+# MySQL host
+$configMysqlHost = "localhost"
+# Port of MySQL host
+$configMysqlPort = 3306
+# MySQL user using to connect to MySQL
+$configMysqlUser = "backup"
+# Password for MySQL user
+$configMysqlPassword = "backup"
+# Path to MySQL CLI program
+$configMysqlCli = "C:\Program Files\MariaDB 10.5\bin\mysql.exe"
+# Path to mysqldump CLI program
+$configMysqldumpCli = "C:\Program Files\MariaDB 10.5\bin\mysqldump.exe"
+# Directory where to store the backups
+$configBackupDir = "backup"
+# Number of backups to keep, set to 0 to keep all backups
+$configRotate = 7
+# Databases to backup, leave empty to backup all databases
+$configDbBackup = @()
+# If $configDbBackup is empty, don't backup the databases defined here
+$configDbExclude = @("test")
+# If $configDbBackup is empty, don't backup the databases matching these patterns
+$configDbExcludePattern = @()
+# End of config