+# Directory where to store the backups
+$configBackupDir = "backup"
+# Number of backups to keep, set to 0 to keep all backups
+$configRotate = 7
+$configLogDir = "log"
+$configLogRotate = 7
+# Databases to backup, leave empty to backup all databases
+$configDbBackup = @()
+# If $configDbBackup is empty, don't backup the databases defined here
+$configDbExclude = @("test")
+# If $configDbBackup is empty, don't backup the databases matching these patterns
+$configDbExcludePattern = @()
+# End of config
+ Write-Log writes a message to a specified log file with the current time stamp.
+ The Write-Log function is designed to add logging capability to other scripts.
+ In addition to writing output and/or verbose you can write to a log file for
+ later debugging.
+ Created by: Jason Wasser @wasserja
+ Modified: 11/24/2015 09:30:19 AM
+ Changelog:
+ * Code simplification and clarification - thanks to @juneb_get_help
+ * Added documentation.
+ * Renamed LogPath parameter to Path to keep it standard - thanks to @JeffHicks
+ * Revised the Force switch to work as it should - thanks to @JeffHicks
+ To Do:
+ * Add error handling if trying to create a log file in a inaccessible location.
+ * Add ability to write $Message to $Verbose or $Error pipelines to eliminate
+ duplicates.
+ Message is the content that you wish to add to the log file.
+ The path to the log file to which you would like to write. By default the function will
+ create the path and file if it does not exist.
+ Specify the criticality of the log information being written to the log (i.e. Error, Warning, Informational)
+ Use NoClobber if you do not wish to overwrite an existing file.
+ Write-Log -Message 'Log message'
+ Writes the message to c:\Logs\PowerShellLog.log.
+ Write-Log -Message 'Restarting Server.' -Path c:\Logs\Scriptoutput.log
+ Writes the content to the specified log file and creates the path and file specified.
+ Write-Log -Message 'Folder does not exist.' -Path c:\Logs\Script.log -Level Error
+ Writes the message to the specified log file as an error message, and writes the message to the error pipeline.
+ https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/Write-Log-PowerShell-999c32d0
+function Write-Log
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ Param
+ (
+ [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,
+ ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
+ [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
+ [Alias("LogContent")]
+ [string]$Message,
+ [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)]
+ [Alias('LogPath')]
+ [string]$Path='C:\Logs\PowerShellLog.log',
+ [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)]
+ [ValidateSet("Error","Warn","Info")]
+ [string]$Level="Info",
+ [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)]
+ [switch]$NoClobber
+ )
+ Begin
+ {
+ # Set VerbosePreference to Continue so that verbose messages are displayed.
+ $VerbosePreference = 'Continue'
+ }
+ Process
+ {
+ # If the file already exists and NoClobber was specified, do not write to the log.
+ if ((Test-Path $Path) -AND $NoClobber) {
+ Write-Error "Log file $Path already exists, and you specified NoClobber. Either delete the file or specify a different name."
+ Return
+ }
+ # If attempting to write to a log file in a folder/path that doesn't exist create the file including the path.
+ elseif (!(Test-Path $Path)) {
+ Write-Verbose "Creating $Path."
+ $NewLogFile = New-Item $Path -Force -ItemType File
+ }
+ else {
+ # Nothing to see here yet.
+ }
+ # Format Date for our Log File
+ $FormattedDate = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
+ # Write message to error, warning, or verbose pipeline and specify $LevelText
+ switch ($Level) {
+ 'Error' {
+ Write-Error $Message
+ $LevelText = 'ERROR:'
+ }
+ 'Warn' {
+ Write-Warning $Message
+ $LevelText = 'WARNING:'
+ }
+ 'Info' {
+ Write-Verbose $Message
+ $LevelText = 'INFO:'
+ }
+ }
+ # Write log entry to $Path
+ "$FormattedDate $LevelText $Message" | Out-File -FilePath $Path -Append
+ }
+ End
+ {
+ }