# #
# File: shared/Posting/_lib.pm #
# #
-# Authors: André Malo <nd@o3media.de>, 2001-02-25 #
-# Frank Schoenmann <fs@tower.de>, 2001-03-02 #
+# Authors: André Malo <nd@o3media.de>, 2001-03-03 #
+# Frank Schoenmann <fs@tower.de>, 2001-03-13 #
# #
# Description: Message access interface, time format routines #
# #
use strict;
-use vars qw(@EXPORT_OK);
-use base qw(Exporter);
use Encode::Plain; $Encode::Plain::utf8 = 1;
use XML::DOM;
# ====================================================
-# Funktionsexport
+# Export
# ====================================================
-@EXPORT_OK = qw(get_message_header get_message_body get_message_node parse_single_thread
- hr_time short_hr_time long_hr_time
- get_all_threads create_forum_xml_string
- save_file);
+use constant SORT_ASCENT => 0; # (young postings first)
+use constant SORT_DESCENT => 1;
+use constant KEEP_DELETED => 1;
+use constant KILL_DELETED => 0;
+use base qw(Exporter);
+@Posting::_lib::EXPORT_OK = qw(
+ get_message_header get_message_body get_message_node get_body_node parse_single_thread parse_xml_file
+ hr_time short_hr_time long_hr_time
+ get_all_threads create_forum_xml_string
+ save_file
# ====================================================
-# Zugriff uebers DOM
+# Access via XML::DOM
# ====================================================
### get_message_header () ######################################################
subject => ($subject -> hasChildNodes)?$subject -> getFirstChild -> getData:undef,
email => (defined ($email) and $email -> hasChildNodes)?$email -> getFirstChild -> getData:undef,
home => (defined ($home) and $home -> hasChildNodes)?$home -> getFirstChild -> getData:undef,
- image => (defined ($image) and $image -> hasChildNodes)?$image -> getFirstChild - >getData:undef,
+ image => (defined ($image) and $image -> hasChildNodes)?$image -> getFirstChild -> getData:undef,
time => $date -> getAttribute ('longSec')
+### get_body_node () ########################################################
+# Search a specific message body in a XML tree
+# Params: $xml XML::DOM::Document Object (Document Node)
+# $mid Message ID
+# Return: MessageContent XML node (or -none-)
+sub get_body_node ($$)
+ my ($xml, $mid) = @_;
+ for ($xml->getElementsByTagName ('ContentList', 1)->item (0)->getElementsByTagName ('MessageContent', 0))
+ {
+ return $_ if ($_ -> getAttribute ('mid') eq $mid);
+ }
+ return;
### get_message_body () ########################################################
# Read message body
-# Params: $xml XML tree
+# Params: $xml XML::DOM::Document Object (Document Node)
# $mid Message ID
# Return: Scalar reference
sub get_message_body ($$)
- my ($xml, $mid) = @_;
+ my $cnode = get_body_node ($_[0], $_[1]);
my $body;
- foreach ($xml->getElementsByTagName ('ContentList', 1)->item (0)->getElementsByTagName ('MessageContent', 0))
- {
- if ($_ -> getAttribute ('mid') eq $mid)
- {
- $body = ($_ -> hasChildNodes)?$_ -> getFirstChild -> getData:'';
- last;
- }
- }
+ $body = ($cnode -> hasChildNodes)?$cnode -> getFirstChild -> getData:'' if $cnode;
# Search a specific message in a XML tree
-# Params: $xml XML tree
+# Params: $xml XML::DOM::Document Object (Document Node)
# $tid Thread ID
# $mid Message ID
-# Return: Message XML node, Thread XML node
+# Return: Message XML node, Thread XML node (or -none-)
sub get_message_node ($$$)
wantarray ? ($mnode, $tnode) : $mnode;
+### sub parse_xml_file ($) #####################################################
+# load the specified XML-File and create the DOM tree
+# this sub is only to avoid errors and to centralize the parse process
+# Params: $file filename
+# Return: XML::DOM::Document Object (Document Node) or false
+sub parse_xml_file ($) {
+ my $file = shift;
+ my $xml = eval {
+ local $SIG{__DIE__}; # CGI::Carp works unreliable ;-(
+ new XML::DOM::Parser (KeepCDATA => 1) -> parsefile ($file);
+ };
+ return if ($@);
+ $xml;
# sub parse_single_thread
-### delete_message () ##########################################################
+### delete_messages () #########################################################
# Filter out deleted messages
if ($_ -> {'deleted'})
my $n = $_ -> {'answers'} + 1;
- for (@path)
- {
- $smsg -> [$_] -> {'answers'} -= $n;
- }
+ $smsg -> [$_] -> {'answers'} -= $n for (@path);
splice @$smsg,$z,$n;
-# sub get_all_threads
+### get_all_threads () #########################################################
+# Read and Parse the main file (without any XML-module, they are too slow)
+# Params: $file /path/to/filename of the main file
+# $deleted hold deleted (invisible) messages in result (1) oder not (0)
+# $sorted direction of message sort: descending (0) (default) or ascending (1)
+# Return: scalar context: hash reference
+# list context: list (\%threads, $last_thread, $last_message, $dtd, \@unids)
-# Hauptdatei laden und
-# parsen
sub get_all_threads ($$;$)
my ($file, $deleted, $sorted) = @_;
- my ($last_thread, $last_message, @unids, %threads);
- local *FILE;
+ my ($last_thread, $last_message, $dtd, @unids, %threads);
+ local (*FILE, $/);
open FILE, $file or return undef;
my $xml = join '', <FILE>;
close(FILE) or return undef;
- if (wantarray) {
+ if (wantarray)
+ {
+ ($dtd) = $xml =~ /<!DOCTYPE\s+\S+\s+SYSTEM\s+"([^"]+)">/;
($last_thread) = map {/(\d+)/} $xml =~ /<Forum.+?lastThread="([^"]+)"[^>]*>/;
- ($last_message) = map {/(\d+)/} $xml =~ /<Forum.+?lastMessage="([^"]+)"[^>]*>/;}
+ ($last_message) = map {/(\d+)/} $xml =~ /<Forum.+?lastMessage="([^"]+)"[^>]*>/;
+ }
my $reg_msg = qr~(?:</Message>
- while ($xml =~ /<Thread id="t(\d+)">([^<]*(?:<(?!\/Thread>)[^<]*)*)<\/Thread>/g) {
+ while ($xml =~ /<Thread id="t(\d+)">([^<]*(?:<(?!\/Thread>)[^<]*)*)<\/Thread>/g)
+ {
my ($tid, $thread) = ($1, $2);
my ($level, $cmno, @msg, @stack) = (0);
- while ($thread =~ m;$reg_msg;g) {
- if (defined($10)) {
+ while ($thread =~ m;$reg_msg;g)
+ {
+ if (defined($10))
+ {
push @stack,$cmno if (defined $cmno);
- push @msg, {};
- if (defined $cmno) {
+ push @msg, {mid => $1,
+ unid => $2,
+ deleted => $3,
+ archive => $4,
+ name => $5,
+ cat => $6,
+ subject => $7,
+ time => $8,
+ level => $level++,
+ unids => [],
+ kids => [],
+ answers => 0};
+ if (defined $cmno)
+ {
push @{$msg[$cmno] -> {kids}} => $#msg;
- push @{$msg[$cmno] -> {unids}} => $2;}
- else {
- push @unids => $2;}
+ push @{$msg[$cmno] -> {unids}} => $2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ push @unids => $2;
+ }
- for (@stack) {$msg[$_] -> {answers}++}
+ $msg[$_] -> {answers}++ for (@stack);
- ($msg[-1] -> {mid},
- $msg[-1] -> {unid},
- $msg[-1] -> {name},
- $msg[-1] -> {cat},
- $msg[-1] -> {subject},
- $msg[-1] -> {time}) = ($1, $2, $5, $6, $7, $8);
- $msg[-1] -> {deleted} = $3;
- $msg[-1] -> {archive} = $4;
- $msg[-1] -> {name} =~ s/&/&/g;
- $msg[-1] -> {cat} =~ s/&/&/g;
+ $msg[-1] -> {name} =~ s/&/&/g;
+ $msg[-1] -> {cat} =~ s/&/&/g;
$msg[-1] -> {subject} =~ s/&/&/g;
- $msg[-1] -> {unids} = [];
- $msg[-1] -> {kids} = [];
- $msg[-1] -> {answers} = 0;
- $msg[-1] -> {level} = $level++;}
- elsif (defined ($9)) {
- push @msg, {};
- if (defined $cmno) {
+ }
+ elsif (defined ($9))
+ {
+ push @msg, {mid => $1,
+ unid => $2,
+ deleted => $3,
+ archive => $4,
+ name => $5,
+ cat => $6,
+ subject => $7,
+ time => $8,
+ level => $level,
+ unids => [],
+ kids => [],
+ answers => 0};
+ if (defined $cmno)
+ {
push @{$msg[$cmno] -> {kids}} => $#msg;
push @{$msg[$cmno] -> {unids}} => $2;
- $msg[$cmno] -> {answers}++;}
- else {
- push @unids => $2;}
- for (@stack) {$msg[$_] -> {answers}++}
- ($msg[-1] -> {mid},
- $msg[-1] -> {unid},
- $msg[-1] -> {name},
- $msg[-1] -> {cat},
- $msg[-1] -> {subject},
- $msg[-1] -> {time}) = ($1, $2, $5, $6, $7, $8);
+ $msg[$cmno] -> {answers}++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ push @unids => $2;
+ }
- $msg[-1] -> {deleted} = $3;
- $msg[-1] -> {archive} = $4;
+ $msg[$_] -> {answers}++ for (@stack);
- $msg[-1] -> {name} =~ s/&/&/g;
- $msg[-1] -> {cat} =~ s/&/&/g;
+ $msg[-1] -> {name} =~ s/&/&/g;
+ $msg[-1] -> {cat} =~ s/&/&/g;
$msg[-1] -> {subject} =~ s/&/&/g;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $cmno = pop @stack; $level--;
+ }
+ }
- $msg[-1] -> {level} = $level;
- $msg[-1] -> {unids} = [];
- $msg[-1] -> {kids} = [];
- $msg[-1] -> {answers} = 0;}
- else {
- $cmno = pop @stack; $level--;}}
- # ============
- # Sortieren und bei Bedarf
- # geloeschte Messages entfernen
- my $smsg = sort_thread (\@msg, $sorted);
- delete_messages ($smsg) unless ($deleted);
+ my $smsg = sort_thread (\@msg, $sorted); # sort messages
+ delete_messages ($smsg) unless ($deleted); # remove invisible messages
$threads{$tid} = $smsg if (@$smsg);
- wantarray ? (\%threads, $last_thread, $last_message, \@unids) : \%threads;
+ wantarray
+ ? (\%threads, $last_thread, $last_message, $dtd, \@unids)
+ : \%threads;
# ====================================================
# making require happy
\ No newline at end of file