my $show = $conf -> {show};
my $show_forum = $show -> {Forum};
-my $show_posting = $show -> {Posting};
-my $cgi = $show -> {assign} -> {cgi};
-my $tree = $show -> {assign} -> {thread};
-my $adminDefault = read_admin_conf ($conf -> {files} -> {adminDefault});
my $forum_file = $conf -> {files} -> {forum};
-my $message_path = $conf -> {files} -> {messagePath};
-my ($tid, $mid) = (param ($cgi -> {thread}), param ($cgi -> {posting}));
-if (defined ($tid) and defined ($mid)) {
- print_posting_as_HTML (
- $message_path,
- $show_posting -> {templateFile},
- { assign => $show_posting -> {assign},
- thread => $tid,
- posting => $mid,
- adminDefault => $adminDefault,
- messages => $conf -> {template} -> {messages},
- form => $show_posting -> {form},
- cgi => $cgi,
- tree => $tree,
- firsttime => 1,
- cachepath => $conf -> {files} -> {cachePath}
- }
+# check on closed forum
+my $main = new Lock($forum_file);
+if ($main -> masterlocked) {
+ my $template = new Template $show_forum -> {templateFile};
+ $template -> printscrap (
+ $show_forum -> {assign} -> {errorDoc},
+ { $show_forum -> {assign} -> {errorText} => $template -> insert ($show_forum -> {assign} -> {'notAvailable'}) }
else {
- print_forum_as_HTML (
- $forum_file,
- $show_forum -> {templateFile},
- { assign => $show_forum -> {assign},
- adminDefault => $adminDefault,
- cgi => $cgi,
- tree => $tree
- }
- );
+ my $cgi = $show -> {assign} -> {cgi};
+ my $tree = $show -> {assign} -> {thread};
+ my $adminDefault = read_admin_conf ($conf -> {files} -> {adminDefault});
+ my ($tid, $mid) = (param ($cgi -> {thread}), param ($cgi -> {posting}));
+ if (defined ($tid) and defined ($mid)) {
+ my $show_posting = $show -> {Posting};
+ print_posting_as_HTML (
+ $conf -> {files} -> {messagePath},
+ $show_posting -> {templateFile},
+ { assign => $show_posting -> {assign},
+ thread => $tid,
+ posting => $mid,
+ adminDefault => $adminDefault,
+ messages => $conf -> {template} -> {messages},
+ form => $show_posting -> {form},
+ cgi => $cgi,
+ tree => $tree,
+ firsttime => 1,
+ cachepath => $conf -> {files} -> {cachePath}
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ print_forum_as_HTML (
+ $forum_file,
+ $show_forum -> {templateFile},
+ { assign => $show_forum -> {assign},
+ adminDefault => $adminDefault,
+ cgi => $cgi,
+ tree => $tree
+ }
+ );
+ }
### end of ##########################################################
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