use strict;
-use vars qw($Bin $Shared $Script $Config);
+use vars qw(
+ $Bin
+ $Shared
+ $Script
+ $Config
# locate the script
$Shared = "$Bin/../shared";
$Config = "$Bin/config";
$Script = ($null =~ /^.*\/(.*)$/)? $1 : $null;
+# my $null = $0; #$null =~ s/\\/\//g; # for win :-(
+# $Bin = ($null =~ /^(.*)\/.*$/)? $1 : '.';
+# $Config = "$Bin/../../../cgi-config/devforum";
+# $Shared = "$Bin/../../../cgi-shared";
+# $Script = ($null =~ /^.*\/(.*)$/)? $1 : $null;
use lib "$Shared";
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use Conf;
use Conf::Admin;
+use Posting::Cache;
# load script configuration and admin default conf.
if (defined $q -> param ($formdata -> {$may{$_}} -> {name}));
- my ($stat, $xml, $mid);
+ my ($stat, $xml, $mid, $tid);
# we've got a fup if it's a reply
if ($self -> {response} -> {reply}) {
$pars -> {parentMessage} = $self -> {fup_mid};
$pars -> {thread} = $self -> {fup_tid};
- ($stat, $xml, $mid) = write_reply_posting ($pars);
+ ($stat, $xml, $mid, $tid) = write_reply_posting ($pars);
else {
- ($stat, $xml, $mid) = write_new_thread ($pars);
+ ($stat, $xml, $mid, $tid) = write_new_thread ($pars);
if ($stat) {
else {
+ my $cache = new Posting::Cache ($self->{conf}->{original}->{files}->{cacheFile});
+ $cache -> add_posting (
+ { thread => ($tid =~ /(\d+)/)[0],
+ posting => ($mid =~ /(\d+)/)[0]
+ }
+ );
$self -> {check_success} = 1;
my $thx = $self -> {conf} -> {show_posting} -> {thanx};
(my $val_ww = $val) =~ s/\s+//g;
+ $val_ww =~ y/a-zA-Z//cd
+ if (exists ($formdata -> {$name {$_}} -> {type}) and $formdata -> {$name {$_}} -> {type} eq 'name');
if (length $val_ww < $formdata -> {$name {$_}} -> {minlength}) {
$self -> {error} = {
spec => 'too_short',