-# Conf.pm
+package Conf;
-# ====================================================
-# Autor: n.d.p. / 2001-01-05
-# lm : n.d.p. / 2001-02-02
-# ====================================================
-# Funktion:
-# Einlesen der Scriptkonfiguration
-# ====================================================
+# #
+# File: shared/Conf.pm #
+# #
+# Authors: Andre Malo <nd@o3media.de>, 2001-06-16 #
+# #
+# Description: read and parse configuration files #
+# #
use strict;
-package Conf;
+use vars qw(
use XML::DOM;
-# ====================================================
-# Funktionsexport
-# ====================================================
+# Version check
+$VERSION = do { my @r =(q$Revision$ =~ /\d+/g); sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r, @r };
+# Export
use base qw(Exporter);
-@Conf::EXPORT = qw(read_script_conf);
+@EXPORT = qw(read_script_conf);
-# sub read_script_conf
+### add_limit () ###############################################################
-# Scriptkonf. lesen
-sub read_script_conf ($$$) {
- my ($Config, $Shared, $Script) = @_;
- $Script =~ s/^(.*)\..*$/$1/; # Vornamen extrahieren
- my $common = "$Shared/common.xml"; # gemeinsame Konf-datei
- my $group = "$Config/common.xml"; # gemeinsame (Gruppen-)Konf-datei
- my $special = "$Config/$Script.xml"; # spezielle Konf-datei
- my %conf=(); # conf-Hash
- &parse_script_conf ($common , \%conf, $Script); # und los...
- &parse_script_conf ($group, \%conf, $Script);
- &parse_script_conf ($special, \%conf, $Script);
- # Rueckgabe
- \%conf;
-# ====================================================
-# Private Funktionen
-# ====================================================
-sub parse_script_conf ($$$) {
- my ($filename, $conf, $Script) = @_;
- if (-f $filename) {
- # XML parsen
- my $xml = new XML::DOM::Parser -> parsefile ($filename);
- my $config = $xml -> getElementsByTagName ('Config',0) -> item (0);
- foreach ($config -> getElementsByTagName ('Constant', 0)) {&add_data ($_, $conf)}
- foreach ($config -> getElementsByTagName ('Property', 0)) {&add_prop ($_, $conf)}
- foreach ($config -> getElementsByTagName ('Limit', 0)) {&add_limit ($_, $conf, $Script)}}
- return;
-sub add_data ($$) {
- my ($node, $conf) = @_;
- my $name = $node -> getAttribute ('name');
+# add limited data
+# Params: $node - element node
+# $conf - hashref of config hash (will be modified)
+# $Script - scriptname (first name)
+# Return: ~none~
+sub add_limit ($$$) {
+ my ($node, $conf, $Script) = @_;
- die "element '".$node -> getNodeName."' requires attribute 'name' - aborted" unless (length ($name) and defined ($name));
- die "double defined name '$name' - aborted" if ( exists ( $conf -> {$name} ) );
+ my %apps = map {($_ -> getFirstChild -> getData => 1)}
+ $node -> getElementsByTagName ('Application',0) -> item (0)
+ -> getElementsByTagName ('Script',0);
- # Wert eintragen
- $conf -> {$name} = ($node -> hasChildNodes)?$node -> getFirstChild -> getData:undef;
+ if ($apps {$Script}) {
+ foreach ($node -> getElementsByTagName ('Constant', 0)) {add_data ($_, $conf)}
+ foreach ($node -> getElementsByTagName ('Property', 0)) {add_prop ($_, $conf)}}
+### add_prop () ################################################################
+# add a property (recursive if necessary)
+# Params: $node - element node
+# $conf - hashref of config hash (will be modified)
+# Return: ~none~
sub add_prop ($$) {
my ($node, $conf) = @_;
my @lists = $node -> getElementsByTagName ('List', 0);
# Properties
+ #
if (@props) {
for (@props) {
my $hash = (defined $conf -> {$name})?$conf -> {$name}:{};
$conf -> {$name} = $hash;}}
# Array
+ #
if (@lists) {
for (@lists) {
my $lname = $_ -> getAttribute ('name');
$conf -> {$name} -> {$lname} = [map {($_ -> hasChildNodes)?$_ -> getFirstChild -> getData:undef} $_ -> getElementsByTagName ('ListItem', 0)];}}
# Hash
+ #
if (@vars) {
for (@vars) {
my $vname = $_ -> getAttribute ('name');
-sub add_limit ($$$) {
- my ($node, $conf, $Script) = @_;
+### add_data () ################################################################
+# add a real value (Constant or Variable)
+# Params: $node - Element node
+# $conf - hashref of config hash (will be modified)
+# Return: ~none~
+sub add_data ($$) {
+ my ($node, $conf) = @_;
+ my $name = $node -> getAttribute ('name');
- my %apps = map {($_ -> getFirstChild -> getData => 1)}
- $node -> getElementsByTagName ('Application',0) -> item (0)
- -> getElementsByTagName ('Script',0);
+ die q"element '".$node -> getNodeName.q"' requires attribute 'name' - aborted" unless (length ($name) and defined ($name));
+ die q"double defined name '$name' - aborted" if ( exists ( $conf -> {$name} ) );
- if ($apps {$Script}) {
- foreach ($node -> getElementsByTagName ('Constant', 0)) {&add_data ($_, $conf)}
- foreach ($node -> getElementsByTagName ('Property', 0)) {&add_prop ($_, $conf)}}
+ $conf -> {$name} = ($node -> hasChildNodes)?$node -> getFirstChild -> getData:undef;
-# ====================================================
-# Modulinitialisierung
-# ====================================================
+### parse_script_conf () #######################################################
+# parse a config file
+# Params: $filename - filename
+# $conf - hashref of config hash (hash will be modified)
+# $Script - scriptname
+# Return: ~none~
+sub parse_script_conf ($\%$) {
+ my ($filename, $conf, $Script) = @_;
-# making require happy
+ if (-f $filename) {
+ my $xml = new XML::DOM::Parser -> parsefile ($filename);
+ my $config = $xml -> getElementsByTagName ('Config', 0) -> item (0);
+ add_data $_, $conf for ($config -> getElementsByTagName ('Constant', 0));
+ add_prop $_, $conf for ($config -> getElementsByTagName ('Property', 0));
+ add_limit $_, $conf, $Script for ($config -> getElementsByTagName ('Limit', 0));
+ }
+ return;
+### read_script_conf () ########################################################
+# read and parse whole script config.
+# Params: $Config - /path/to/config-dir # NO trailing slash please
+# $Shared - /path/to/shared-dir # -- " --
+# $Script - scriptname
+# Return: hashref of config hash
+sub read_script_conf ($$$) {
+ my ($Config, $Shared, $Script) = @_;
+ $Script =~ s/^(.*)\..*$/$1/; # extract script's 'first name'
+ my $common = "$Shared/common.xml"; # shared config file
+ my $group = "$Config/common.xml"; # group config file
+ my $special = "$Config/$Script.xml"; # special script config file
+ my %conf=(); # config hash
+ parse_script_conf ($common , %conf, $Script);
+ parse_script_conf ($group, %conf, $Script);
+ parse_script_conf ($special, %conf, $Script);
+ # return
+ #
+ \%conf;
+# keep 'require' happy
-# ====================================================
-# end of Conf
-# ====================================================
+### end of Conf ################################################################
+### show() #####################################################################
+# mini data dumper
+# Usage: Conf::Test::show (hashref)
package Conf::Test;sub show{print"Content-type: text/plain\n\n";&hash($_[
0],'')}sub hash{my($ref,$string)=@_;foreach(sort keys%$ref){my$val=$ref->
{$_};unless(ref($val)){print$string,$_,' = ',$val,"\n";next;}else{if(ref(
&array($_,"$string\[$i] -> ");}}}$i++;}}# n.d.p./2001-01-05/lm:2001-01-19
# FUNCTION: printing the configuration, USAGE: &Conf::Test::show ($conf);
-# ====================================================
-# 'real' end of Conf .-))
-# ====================================================
\ No newline at end of file
+### *real* end of Conf ;-) #####################################################