# #
# File: user/fo_arcview.pl #
# #
-# Authors: Frank Schoenmann <fs@tower.de>, 2001-06-02 #
+# Authors: Frank Schönmann <fs@tower.de> #
# #
# Description: archive browser #
# #
$Config = "$Bin/../../cgi-config/forum";
$Script = ($null =~ /^.*\/(.*)$/)? $1 : $null;
-# my $null = $0; #$null =~ s/\\/\//g; # for win :-(
+# my $null = $0;
# $Bin = ($null =~ /^(.*)\/.*$/)? $1 : '.';
-# $Config = "$Bin/../../../cgi-config/devforum";
-# $Shared = "$Bin/../../../cgi-shared";
+# $Config = "$Bin/../../daten/forum/config";
+# $Shared = "$Bin/../../cgi-shared";
# $Script = ($null =~ /^.*\/(.*)$/)? $1 : $null;
+# setting umask, remove or comment it, if you don't need
+umask 006;
use lib "$Shared";
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use Conf;
use Conf::Admin;
use Template::Archive qw(
+ print_overview_as_HTML
+ print_year_as_HTML
-#use Template::Forum;
-#use Template::Posting;
use CGI qw(param header path_info);
-print header(-type => 'text/html');
-#my $show = $conf->{show};
-#my $tree = $show->{assign}->{thread};
+# Version check
+# last modified:
+# $Date$ (GMT)
+# by $Author$
+sub VERSION {(q$Revision$ =~ /([\d.]+)\s*$/)[0] or '0.0'}
-#my $forum_file = $conf->{files}->{forum};
-#my $message_path = $conf->{files}->{messagePath};
+print header(-type => 'text/html');
my $conf = read_script_conf($Config, $Shared, $Script);
my $show = $conf->{'show'};
} else {
$conf->{'files'}->{'archivePath'} . $year .'/'. $month .'/t'. $tid . '.xml',
-# '/home/users/f/fo/fox_two/sf/data/forum/archive/2001/5/t23518',
'assign' => $show_archive->{'assign'},
} else {
-# print_year_as_HTML();
+ print_year_as_HTML(
+ $conf->{'files'}->{'archivePath'} . $year . '/',
+ $show_archive->{'templateFile'},
+ {
+ 'assign' => $show_archive->{'assign'},
+ 'year' => $year
+ }
+ );
} else {
-# print_overview_as_HTML();
+ print_overview_as_HTML(
+ $conf->{'files'}->{'archivePath'},
+ $show_archive->{'templateFile'},
+ {
+ 'assign' => $show_archive->{'assign'}
+ }
+ );
-#if (defined ($tid) and defined ($mid)) {
-# print_posting_as_HTML (
-# $message_path,
-# $show_posting -> {templateFile},
-# { assign => $show_posting -> {assign},
-# thread => $tid,
-# posting => $mid,
-# adminDefault => $adminDefault,
-# messages => $conf -> {template} -> {messages},
-# form => $show_posting -> {form},
-# cgi => $cgi,
-# tree => $tree,
-# firsttime => 1,
-# cachepath => $conf -> {files} -> {cachePath}
-# }
-# );
-#else {
-# print_forum_as_HTML (
-# $forum_file,
-# $show_forum -> {templateFile},
-# { assign => $show_forum -> {assign},
-# adminDefault => $adminDefault,
-# cgi => $cgi,
-# tree => $tree
-# }
-# );
-### end of fo_view.pl ##########################################################
+### end of fo_view.pl ##########################################################
\ No newline at end of file