$request -> response;
+# shorten the main file?
+$request -> severance;
### main end ###################################################################
### Posting::Request ###########################################################
package Posting::Request;
+use Arc::Archive;
use CheckRFC;
use Encode::Plain; $Encode::Plain::utf8 = 1; # generally convert from UTF-8
use Encode::Posting;
bless $self, $class;
+sub severance {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $stat = cut_tail ({
+ forumFile => $self -> {conf} -> {forum_file_name},
+ messagePath => $self -> {conf} -> {message_path},
+ archivePath => $self -> {conf} -> {original} -> {files} -> {archivePath},
+ lockFile => $self -> {conf} -> {original} -> {files} -> {sev_lock},
+ adminDefault => $self -> {conf} -> {admin},
+ cachePath => $self -> {conf} -> {original} -> {files} -> {cachePath}
+ });
+# die $stat->{(keys %$stat)[0]} if (%$stat);
### sub response ###############################################################
# print the response to STDOUT
else {
- my $cache = new Posting::Cache ($self->{conf}->{original}->{files}->{cacheFile});
+ my $cache = new Posting::Cache ($self->{conf}->{original}->{files}->{cachePath});
$cache -> add_posting (
{ thread => ($tid =~ /(\d+)/)[0],
posting => ($mid =~ /(\d+)/)[0]