+ @$failed{@$obsolete} = 'error: could not load summary';
+ }
+ }
+ \%archived;
+### append_threads () ##########################################################
+# open specified index file, append threads, save it back
+# Params: $file - /path/to/indexfile
+# $threads - hashref (threads)
+# Return: success code (boolean)
+sub append_threads ($$) {
+ my ($file, $threads) = @_;
+ my $thash={};
+ my $index = new Lock ($file);
+ return unless ($index -> lock (LH_EXCL));
+ if (-f $file) {
+ $thash = get_all_threads ($file => KEEP_DELETED);
+ $thash->{$_} = $threads->{$_} for (keys %$threads);
+ }
+ else {
+ $thash = $threads;
+ }
+ # save it back...
+ #
+ my $saved = save_file (
+ $file => create_forum_xml_string (
+ $thash,
+ {
+ dtd => 'forum.dtd',
+ lastMessage => 0,
+ lastThread => 0
+ }
+ )
+ );
+ $index -> unlock;
+ return unless $saved;
+ 1;
+### indexpath () ###############################################################
+# compose relative path of archive index file
+# Params: $param - hash reference
+# ($msg->[0])
+# Return: $string (relative path)
+sub indexpath ($) {
+ my $root = shift;
+ my ($month, $year) = (localtime ($root->{time}))[4,5];
+ # use the 'real' values for directory names
+ #
+ $month++; $year+=1900;
+ "$year/$month/";
+### index_threads () ###########################################################
+# add threads to their specific archive index file
+# Params: $param - hash reference
+# (threads, archivePath, archiveIndex, failed)
+# Return: ~none~
+sub index_threads ($) {
+ my $par = shift;
+ my ($threads, $failed) = map {$par->{$_}} qw
+ ( threads failed);
+ # indexfile => hashref of threads
+ # for more efficiency (open each index file *once*)
+ #
+ my %index;
+ # iterate over all archived threads,
+ # prepare indexing and assign threads to indexfiles
+ #
+ for my $thread (keys %$threads) {
+ # index only, if the root is visible
+ #
+ unless ($threads->{$thread}->[0]->{deleted}) {
+ my $file = $par->{archivePath} . indexpath ($threads->{$thread}->[0]) . $par->{archiveIndex};
+ $index{$file} = {} unless exists($index{$file});
+ $index{$file} -> {$thread} = [$threads->{$thread}->[0]];
+ }
+ }
+ # now append threads to index files
+ #
+ for my $file (keys %index) {
+ unless (append_threads ($file => $index{$file})) {
+ $failed->{$_} = "error: could not list in '$file'" for (keys %{$index{$file}});