-# Id.pm
-# #
-# Autor: n.d.p. / nd@o3media.de #
-# #
-# Letze Aenderung: n.d.p. / 2001-01-28 #
-# #
-# ========================================== #
-# #
-# Funktion: #
-# #
-# Bereitsstellen einer einmaligen ID #
-# #
-use strict;
package Id;
-# Funktionsexport
+# #
+# File: shared/Id.pm #
+# #
+# Authors: André Malo <nd@o3media.de>, 2001-05-03 #
+# #
+# Description: compose an unique ID (in CGI context) #
+# #
-use base qw(Exporter);
-@Id::EXPORT = qw(unique_id);
+use strict;
+use vars qw(
+ @table
-use vars qw(@table);
+# Version check
+$VERSION = do { my @r =(q$Revision$ =~ /\d+/g); sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r, @r };
-# #
-# sub &unique_id #
-# #
-# Funktion: #
-# Rueckgabe der ID #
+# Export
+use base qw(Exporter);
+@EXPORT = qw(
+ unique_id
+ may_id
-# sub unique_id ################################################
+### sub unique_id () ###########################################################
-# composing of an unique ID...
+# compose an unique ID
+# Params: ~none~
+# Return: Scalar: unique ID
sub unique_id () {
my $id;
- my $ip=$ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'};
- my $time=time();
- my $port=$ENV{'REMOTE_PORT'};
- my $rand=int(rand(time()));
- $ip = hex(join ('',map {sprintf ('%02X',$_)} split (/\./,$ip)));
+ my $ip=$ENV{REMOTE_ADDR};
+ my $time=time;
+ my $port=$ENV{REMOTE_PORT};
+ my $rand=int(rand(time));
+ # works only with IPv4! (will be changed later...)
+ #
+ $ip = hex(join ('',map {sprintf ('%02X',$_)} split (/\./,$ip)));
- join '',map {to_base64 ($_)} ($time, $port, $ip, $rand, $$);
+ join '' => map {to_base64 ($_)} ($time, $port, $ip, $rand, $$);
-# sub to_base64 ################################################
+### sub to_base64 ($) ##########################################################
+# only converts (max.) 32-bit numbers into a system with base 64
+# Params: $x - number to convert
-# only converts (max.) 32-bit numbers into a
-# system with base 64
-# its not the RFC base64 format!
+# Return: converted number ;-)
sub to_base64 ($) {
my $x = shift;
+ return '' unless defined $x;
my $y = $table[$x % 64];
$y = $table[$x % 64].$y while ($x = int ($x/64));
- srand(time()^$$);
+ # 64 'digits' (for our base 64 system)
+ #
@table = ('a'..'z','-','0'..'9','A'..'Z','_');
+ # define sub may_id
+ #
+ *may_id = eval join quotemeta join ('' => @table) => (
+ q[sub {local $_=shift; defined and length and not y/],
+ q[//cd;}]
+ );
-# making 'require' happy
+# keep 'require' happy
-# end of Id
\ No newline at end of file
+### end of Id ##################################################################
\ No newline at end of file