-# Posting.pm
+package Encode::Posting;
-# ====================================================
-# Autor: n.d.p. / 2001-01-07
-# lm : n.d.p. / 2001-01-08
-# ====================================================
-# Funktion:
-# Spezielle Codierung eines Postingtextes
-# ====================================================
+# #
+# File: shared/Encode/Posting.pm #
+# #
+# Authors: André Malo <nd@o3media.de>, 2001-04-10 #
+# #
+# Description: prepare a Posting text for saving and visual (HTML) output #
+# #
use strict;
-package Encode::Posting;
-use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT);
use Encode::Plain; $Encode::Plain::utf8 = 1;
+use CheckRFC;
-# ====================================================
-# Funktionsexport
-# ====================================================
+# Export
+use base qw(Exporter);
+@Encode::Posting::EXPORT = qw(
+ encoded_body
+ answer_field
+ message_field
+### sub rel_uri ($$) ###########################################################
+# generate an absolute URI from a absolute|relative one
+# (not for public use)
+# Params: $uri - URI
+# $base - base URI
+# Return: abs URI as string
+sub rel_uri ($$) {
+ my ($uri, $base) = @_;
-require Exporter;
-@ISA = qw(Exporter);
-@EXPORT = qw(encoded_body answer_field message_field);
+ "http://$ENV{HTTP_HOST}".
+ ($uri =~ m|^/|
+ ? $uri
+ : "$base$uri");
-# sub encoded_body
+### sub encoded_body ($;$) #####################################################
+# prepare posting text for saving
+# Params: $posting - scalar reference of the raw text
+# $params - hash reference
+# (quoteChars messages)
+# Return: scalar reference of the encoded text
-# Nachrichtentext in gueltiges
-# HTML konvertieren
sub encoded_body ($;$) {
my $posting = ${+shift};
my $params = shift;
- $posting =~ s/[ \t]$//gm; # Whitespaces am Zeilenende entfernen
- $posting =~s /\s+$//; # Whitespaces am Stringende entfernen
- $posting = ${plain (\$posting)}; # Sonderzeichen maskieren
+ $posting =~ s/\015\012|\015|\012/\n/g; # normalize newlines
+ $posting =~ s/[^\S\n]$//gm; # kill whitespaces at the end of all lines
+ $posting =~ s/\s+$//; # kill whitespaces (newlines) at the end of the string (text)
+ # check the special syntaxes:
+ my $base = $params -> {base_uri};
+ # collect all [link:...] strings
+ #
+ my @rawlinks;
+ push @rawlinks => [$1 => $2] while ($posting =~ /\[([Ll][Ii][Nn][Kk]):\s*([^\]\s]+)\s*\]/g);
+ my @links = grep {
+ is_URL ( $_ -> [1] => ':ALL')
+ or is_URL (($_ -> [1] =~ /^[Vv][Ii][Ee][Ww]-[Ss][Oo][Uu][Rr][Cc][Ee]:(.+)/)[0] || '' => 'http')
+ or ( $_ -> [1] =~ m<^\.?\.?/(?!/)|\?>
+ and is_URL (rel_uri ($_ -> [1], $base) => 'http'))
+ } @rawlinks;
+ # collect all [image:...] strings
+ #
+ my @rawimages;
+ push @rawimages => [$1 => $2] while ($posting =~ /\[([Ii][Mm][Aa][Gg][Ee]):\s*([^\]\s]+)\s*\]/g);
+ my @images = grep {
+ is_URL ($_ -> [1] => 'strict_http')
+ or ( $_ -> [1] =~ m<^\.?\.?/(?!/)|\?>
+ and is_URL (rel_uri ($_ -> [1], $base) => 'http'))
+ } @rawimages;
+ # collect all [iframe:...] strings
+ #
+ my @rawiframes;
+ push @rawiframes => [$1 => $2] while ($posting =~ /\[([Ii][Ff][Rr][Aa][Mm][Ee]):\s*([^\]\s]+)\s*\]/g);
+ my @iframes = grep {
+ is_URL ($_ -> [1] => 'http')
+ or is_URL (($_ -> [1] =~ /^[Vv][Ii][Ee][Ww]-[Ss][Oo][Uu][Rr][Cc][Ee]:(.+)/)[0] || '' => 'http')
+ or ( $_ -> [1] =~ m<^\.?\.?/(?!/)|\?>
+ and is_URL (rel_uri ($_ -> [1], $base) => 'http'))
+ } @rawiframes;
+ # collect all [msg:...] strings
+ #
+ $params -> {messages} = {} unless (defined $params -> {messages});
+ my %msg = map {lc($_) => $params -> {messages} -> {$_}} keys %{$params -> {messages}};
- # Quotingzeichen normalisieren (\177)
- my $quote = plain($params -> {quoteChars});
- my $qquote = quotemeta $quote;
- my $len = length ($quote);
- $posting =~ s!^((?:$qquote)+)(.*)$!"\177" x (length($1)/$len) .$2!gem if (length ($qquote));
+ my @rawmsgs;
+ push @rawmsgs => [$1 => $2] while ($posting =~ /\[([Mm][Ss][Gg]):\s*([^\]\s]+)\s*\]/g);
+ my @msgs = grep {exists ($msg{lc($_ -> [1])})} @rawmsgs;
- # Multine
- $posting = ${multiline (\$posting)};
+ # encode Entities and special characters
+ #
+ $posting = ${plain (\$posting)};
- # normaler Link
- $posting =~ s{\[link:\s*
- ((?:ftp:// # hier beginnt $1
- | https?://
- | about:
- | view-source:
- | gopher://
- | mailto:
- | news:
- | nntp://
- | telnet://
- | wais://
- | prospero://
- | \.\.?/ # relativ auf dem server
- | / # absolut auf dem server
- | (?:[a-zA-Z.\d]+)?\?? # im forum
- ) [^\s<'()\[\]]+ # auf jeden Fall kein \s und kein ] etc.
- ) # hier ist $1 zuende
- \s*(?:\]|(\s|\(|\)|<br>)) # der Begrenzer (\s, ] oder Zeilenende)
- }
- {<a href="$1">$1</a>$2}gix; # und der Link
- # javascript-links extra
- my $klammer1='\((?:[^)])*\)';
- my $klammer2="\\((?:$klammer1|(?:[^)])*)\\)";
- my $klammer3="\\((?:$klammer2|(?:[^)])*)\\)";
- my $klammer4="\\((?:$klammer3|(?:[^)])*)\\)";
- $posting =~ s{\[link:\s*
- (javascript: # hier beginnt $1
- (?:
- $klammer4 # Klammern bis Verschachtelungstiefe 4 (sollte reichen?)
- | '[^\'\\]*(?:\\.[^\'\\]*)*' # mit ' quotierter String, J.F. sei gedankt
- # im String sind Escapes zugelassen (also auch \')
- # damit werden (korrekt gesetzte) Javascript-Links moeglich
- | [^\s<()'\]]+)+ # auf jeden Fall kein \s und kein ] (ausser im String)
- ) # hier ist $1 zuende
- \s*(?:\s|\]|(\(|\)|<br>)) # der Begrenzer (\s, ] oder Zeilenende)
- }
- {<a href="$1">$1</a>$2}gix; # und der Link
- # images
- $posting =~ s{\[image:\s*
- ((?:https?://
- | \.\.?/ # relativ auf dem server
- | / # absolut auf dem server
- | (?:[a-zA-Z.\d]+)?\?? # im forum
- ) [^\s<'()\[\]]+ # auf jeden Fall kein \s und kein ] etc.
- ) # hier ist $1 zuende
- \s*(?:\]|(\s|\(|\)|<br>)) # der Begrenzer (\s, ] oder Zeilenende)
- }
- {<img src="$1" border=0 alt="">$2}gix; # und das Bild
- # iframe
- $posting =~ s{\[iframe:\s*
- ((?:ftp://
- | https?://
- | about:
- | view-source:
- | gopher://
- | mailto:
- | news:
- | nntp://
- | telnet://
- | wais://
- | prospero://
- | \.\.?/ # relativ auf dem server
- | / # absolut auf dem server
- | [a-zA-Z\d]+(?:\.html?|/) # im forum (koennen eh nur threads oder verweise
- # auf tiefere verzeichnisse sein)
- )[^\s<'()\]]+ # auf jeden Fall kein \s und kein ] etc. (s.o.)
- ) # hier ist $1 zuende
- \s*(?:\]|(\s|\(|\)|<br>)) # der Begrenzer (\s, ] oder Zeilenende)
- }
- {<iframe src="$1" width="90%" height="90%"><a href="$1">$1</a></iframe>$2}gix;
+ # encode the special syntaxes
+ #
+ $posting =~ s!$_!<a href="$1">$1</a>!
+ for (map {qr/\[\Q${plain(\$_->[0])}\E:\s*(\Q${plain(\$_->[1])}\E)\s*\]/} @links);
- # [msg...]
- $params -> {messages} = {} unless (defined $params -> {messages});
- my %msg = %{$params -> {messages}};
- foreach (keys %msg) {
- $posting =~ s/\[msg:\s*$_(?:\s*\]|\s)/'<img src="'.$msg{$_} -> {src}.'" width='.$msg{$_}->{width}.' height='.$msg{$_}->{height}.' border=0 alt="'.plain($msg{$_}->{alt}).'">'/gei;}
+ $posting =~ s!$_!<img src="$1" border=0 alt="">!
+ for (map {qr/\[\Q${plain(\$_->[0])}\E:\s*(\Q${plain(\$_->[1])}\E)\s*\]/} @images);
+ $posting =~ s!$_!<iframe src="$1" width="90%" height="90%"><a href="$1">$1</a></iframe>!
+ for (map {qr/\[\Q${plain(\$_->[0])}\E:\s*(\Q${plain(\$_->[1])}\E)\s*\]/} @iframes);
- # Rueckgabe
+ %msg = map {plain($_) => $msg{$_}} keys %msg;
+ $posting =~ s!$_!'<img src="'.$msg{lc $1} -> {src}.'" width='.$msg{lc $1}->{width}.' height='.$msg{lc $1}->{height}.' border=0 alt="'.plain($msg{lc $1}->{alt}).'">'!e
+ for (map {qr/\[\Q${plain(\$_->[0])}\E:\s*(\Q${plain(\$_->[1])}\E)\s*\]/} @msgs);
+ # normalize quote characters (quote => \177)
+ #
+ my $quote = plain(defined $params -> {quoteChars} ? $params -> {quoteChars} : '');
+ my $len = length ($quote);
+ $posting =~ s!^((?:\Q$quote\E)+)!"\177" x (length($1)/$len)!gem if ($len);
+ # \n => <br>, fix spaces
+ #
+ $posting = ${multiline (\$posting)};
+ # return
+ #
-# sub answer_field
+### sub answer_field ($$) ######################################################
+# create the content of the answer textarea
+# Params: $posting - scalar reference
+# (posting text, 'encoded_body' encoded)
+# $params - hash reference
+# (quoteArea quoteChars messages)
+# Return: scalar reference
-# Antwort HTML einer Message
-# erzeugen
sub answer_field ($$) {
my $posting = shift;
- my $params = shift;
- $params = {} unless (defined $params);
+ my $params = shift || {};
- # ================
- # Antwortfeld
- # ================
my $area = $$posting;
my $qchar = $params -> {quoteChars};
- $area =~ s/(?:^|(<br>))(?!<br>)/$1\177/g if ($params -> {quoteArea}); # Antwortfeld quoten?!
- $area =~ s/\177/$qchar/g; # normalisierte Quotes jedenfalls in Chars umsetzen
+ $area =~ s/<br>/\n/g; # <br> => \n
+ $area =~ s/&(?:#160|nbsp);/ /g; # nbsp => ' '
+ $area =~ s/^(.)/\177$1/gm if ($params -> {quoteArea}); # shift a quoting character
+ $area =~ s/^(\177+)/$qchar x length ($1)/gem; # decode normalized quoting characters
- # HTML-Zeug zurueckuebersetzen
+ # recode special syntaxes
+ # from HTML to [...] constructions
+ #
+ $params -> {messages} = {} unless (defined $params -> {messages}); # avoid error messages
+ my %msg = map {
+ $params -> {messages} -> {$_} -> {src} => $_
+ } keys %{$params -> {messages}}; # we have to lookup reverse ...
- $params -> {messages} = {} unless (defined $params -> {messages}); # um Fehlermeldungen auszuschliessen...
- my %msg = map {($params -> {messages} -> {$_} -> {src} => $_)} keys %{$params -> {messages}};
+ # [msg...]
+ $area =~ s{(<img\s+src="([^"]+)"\s+width[^>]+>)} {
+ defined $msg{$2}
+ ? "[msg: $msg{$2}]"
+ : $1;
+ }ge;
- $area =~ s{<iframe\s+src="([^"]*)"[^>]+>.*?</iframe>|<img\s+src="([^"]*)"\s+width[^>]+>|<img src="([^"]*)"[^>]*>|<a href="([^"]*)">.*?</a>}
- {if (defined $1) {"[iframe: $1]"}
- elsif (defined $2) {"[msg: $msg{$2}]"}
- elsif (defined $3) {"[image: $3]"}
- elsif (defined $4) {"[link: $4]"}}eg;
- $area =~ s/<br>/\n/g;
- $area =~ s/&(?:#160|nbsp);/ /g;
+ # [iframe...]
+ $area =~ s{<iframe\s+src="([^"]*)"[^>]+>.*?</iframe>} {[iframe: $1]}g;
- # Rueckgabe
+ # [image...]
+ $area =~ s{<img src="([^"]*)"[^>]*>}{[image: $1]}g;
+ # [link...]
+ $area =~ s{<a href="([^"]*)">.*?</a>}{[link: $1]}g;
+ # return
+ #
-# sub message_field
+### sub message_field ($$) #####################################################
+# prepare the posting text for visual output
+# Params: $posting - scalar reference
+# (raw posting text, 'encoded_body' encoded)
+# $params - hash reference
+# (quoteChars quoting startCite endCite)
+# Return: scalar rerence (prepared posting text)
-# HTML eines Postingtextes
-# erzeugen
sub message_field ($$) {
my $posting = ${+shift};
- my $params = shift;
- $params = {} unless (defined $params);
+ my $params = shift || {};
+ my $break = '<br>';
+ if ($params -> {quoting}) { # quotes are displayed as special?
+ my @array = [0 => []];
+ for (split /<br>/ => $posting) {
+ my $l = length ((/^(\177*)/)[0]);
+ if ($array[-1][0] == $l) {
+ push @{$array[-1][-1]} => $_;
+ }
+ else {
+ push @array => [$l => [$_]];
+ }
+ }
+ shift @array unless @{$array[0][-1]};
+ my $ll=0;
+ $posting = join '<br>' => map {
+ my $string = $_->[0]
+ ? (($ll and $ll != $_->[0]) ? $break : '') .
+ join join ($break => @{$_->[-1]})
+ => ($params->{startCite}, $params->{endCite})
+ : (join $break => @{$_->[-1]});
+ $ll = $_->[0]; $string;
+ } @array;
+ }
- # ================
- # Postingtext
- # ================
my $qchar = $params -> {quoteChars};
+ $posting =~ s/\177/$qchar/g; # \177 => quote chars
- if ($params -> {quoting}) { # Quotes bekommen eine extra Klasse?
- # ueberfluessige Abstaende entfernen,
- # sie werden eh wieder auseinandergezogen...
- $posting =~ s/(\177(?:[^<]|<(?!br>))*<br>)<br>(?=\177)/$1/g;
- $posting =~ s/(\177(?:[^<]|<(?!br>))*<br>)<br>(?!\177)/$1/g;
- my ($last_level, $level, $line, $q, @new)=(-1,0);
- foreach $line (split (/<br>/,$posting)) { # Zeilenweise gucken,
- ($q) = ($line =~ /^(\177+)/g); # wieviele
- $level = length ($q); # Quotingchars am Anfang stehen
- if ($level != $last_level) { # wenn sich was verandert...
- # ... dann TU ETWAS!
- if ($last_level <= 0 and $level > 0) {$last_level = $level; $line='<br>'.$params -> {startCite} . $line}
- elsif ($level > 0) {$last_level = $level; $line=$params -> {endCite} . '<br>' . $params -> {startCite} . $line}
- elsif ($level == 0 and $last_level > 0) {$last_level = -1; $line = $params -> {endCite} . '<br>' . $line}}
- push @new,$line}
- $new[0] =~ s/^<br>//;
- $posting = (join '<br>',@new) . (($last_level > 0)?$params -> {endCite}:'');}
- $posting =~ s/\177/$qchar/g; # normalisierte Quotes in Chars umsetzen
- # Rueckgabe
+ # return
+ #
-# ====================================================
-# Modulinitialisierung
-# ====================================================
-# making require happy
+# keeping 'require' happy
-# ====================================================
-# end of Encode::Posting
-# ====================================================
\ No newline at end of file
+### end of Encode::Posting #####################################################
\ No newline at end of file