use strict;
+use vars qw(
use Fcntl;
use File::Path;
use Lock qw(:ALL);
-my $O_BINARY = eval "O_BINARY";
+# Version check
+$VERSION = do { my @r =(q$Revision$ =~ /\d+/g); sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r, @r };
+my $O_BINARY = eval 'local $SIG{__DIE__}; O_BINARY';
$O_BINARY = 0 if ($@);
### sub new ####################################################################
local $/;
local $\;
+ return; # no GC yet
seek $handle, 0, 0 or return;
read ($handle, $buf, $len) or return;
for (0..$num) {
read ($handle, $buf, $reclen) == $reclen or return;
my ($posting, $thread, $views, $votings) = unpack 'L4' => $buf;
+ $thread == 0xFFFFFFFF and $thread = $param->{thread};
$param->{thread} == $thread or return;
$param->{posting} == $posting or return;
read ($handle, $buf, $reclen) == $reclen or return;
my ($posting, $thread, $views, $votings) = unpack 'L4' => $buf;
+ $thread == 0xFFFFFFFF and $thread = $param->{thread};
$param->{thread} == $thread or return;
$param->{posting} == $posting or return;
time => $_->[0] || 0,
IP => $_->[1] || 0
- } [split ' ']
+ } [split ' ' => $_,3]
} @records
$self -> vote_wrap (
- $self->cachefile($param),
read ($handle, $buf, $reclen) == $reclen or return;
my ($posting, $thread, $views, $votings) = unpack 'L4' => $buf;
+ $thread == 0xFFFFFFFF and $thread = $param->{thread};
$param->{thread} == $thread or return;
local $\;
unless (-d $self -> threaddir($param)) {
- mkdir $self->threaddir($param) or return;
+ mkdir $self->threaddir($param), 0777 or return;
- sysopen (
+ sysopen (FILE,
) or return;
while (++$z < $param->{posting}) {
seek $handle, 0, 2 or return;
print $handle pack(
- 'L4' => $z, 0, 0, 0
+ 'L4' => $z, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 0
) or return;
$z = undef;
# Return: Status code (Bool)
sub vote_wrap {
- my ($self, $gosub, $filename, @param) = @_;
+ my ($self, $gosub, $param) = @_;
my $status;
- unless (write_lock_file ($filename)) {
- violent_unlock_file ($filename);
- $self->set_error ('could not write-lock cache file '.$filename);
+ unless (write_lock_file ($self->summaryfile)) {
+ violent_unlock_file ($self->summaryfile);
+ $self->set_error ('could not write-lock summary file '.$self->summaryfile);
else {
- local *CACHE;
- unless (sysopen (CACHE, $filename, O_APPEND | O_CREAT | O_RDWR)) {
- $self->set_error ('could not open to read/write/append cache file '.$filename);
+ local *S;
+ unless (sysopen (S, $self->summaryfile, O_RDWR | $O_BINARY)) {
+ $self->set_error ('could not open to read/write summary file '.$self->summaryfile);
else {
- $status = $self -> mod_wrap (
- $gosub,
- \*CACHE,
- @param
- );
- unless (close CACHE) {
+ unless (-d $self->threaddir($param)) {
+ mkdir $self->threaddir($param), 0777 or return;
+ }
+ my $filename = $self->cachefile($param);
+ unless (write_lock_file ($filename)) {
+ violent_unlock_file ($filename);
+ $self->set_error ('could not write-lock cache file '.$filename);
+ }
+ else {
+ local *CACHE;
+ unless (sysopen (CACHE, $filename, O_APPEND | O_CREAT | O_RDWR)) {
+ $self->set_error ('could not open to read/write/append cache file '.$filename);
+ }
+ else {
+ $status = $gosub -> (
+ $self,
+ \*S,
+ \*CACHE,
+ $param
+ );
+ unless (close CACHE) {
+ $status=0;
+ $self->set_error('could not close cache file '.$filename);
+ }
+ }
+ violent_unlock_file ($filename) unless (write_unlock_file ($filename));
+ }
+ unless (close S) {
- $self->set_error('could not close cache file '.$filename);
+ $self->set_error('could not close summary file '.$self->summaryfile);
- violent_unlock_file ($filename) unless (write_unlock_file ($filename));
+ violent_unlock_file ($self->summaryfile) unless (write_unlock_file ($self->summaryfile));
# return