-# Lock.pm
-# ====================================================
-# Autor: n.d.p. / 2001-01-04
-# lm : n.d.p. / 2000-01-05
-# ====================================================
-# Funktion:
-# Sperren einer Datei
-# ====================================================
-use strict;
package Lock;
-use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS $Timeout $violentTimeout $masterTimeout $iAmMaster);
-# ====================================================
-# Funktionsexport
-# ====================================================
-require Exporter;
-@ISA = qw(Exporter);
-@EXPORT_OK = qw(lock_file unlock_file write_lock_file write_unlock_file
- violent_unlock_file set_master_lock release_file);
+# #
+# File: shared/Lock.pm #
+# #
+# Authors: Andre Malo <nd@o3media.de>, 2001-04-01 #
+# #
+# Description: file locking #
+# #
-%EXPORT_TAGS = (READ => [qw(lock_file unlock_file violent_unlock_file)],
- WRITE => [qw(write_lock_file write_unlock_file violent_unlock_file)],
- ALL => [qw(lock_file unlock_file write_lock_file write_unlock_file
- violent_unlock_file set_master_lock release_file)]);
+use strict;
+use vars qw(
+ $Timeout
+ $violentTimeout
+ $masterTimeout
+ $iAmMaster
+use Carp;
+use Fcntl;
+# Export
+use base qw(Exporter);
+@EXPORT_OK = qw(
+ lock_file
+ unlock_file
+ write_lock_file
+ write_unlock_file
+ violent_unlock_file
+ set_master_lock
+ release_file
+ READ => [qw(
+ lock_file
+ unlock_file
+ violent_unlock_file
+ )],
+ WRITE => [qw(
+ write_lock_file
+ write_unlock_file
+ violent_unlock_file
+ )],
+### sub ~file ($) ##############################################################
+# create lock file names
+sub reffile ($) {
+ return $_[0].'.lock.ref';
+sub lockfile ($) {
+ return $_[0].'.lock';
+sub masterfile ($) {
+ return $_[0].'.master';
+sub masterlockfile ($) {
+ return lockfile(masterfile $_[0]);
-# ====================================================
# Windows section (no symlinks)
-# ====================================================
-# sub w_lock_file
-# Schreibsperre setzen
+### sub w_lock_file ($;$) ######################################################
+# set read lock (shared lock)
+# (for no-symlink-systems)
+# Params: $filename - file to lock
+# $timeout - Lock Timeout (sec.)
+# Return: Status Code (Bool)
sub w_lock_file ($;$) {
- my $filename=shift;
- my ($timeout)=(shift (@_) or $Timeout);
- my $i;
- if (-f &masterlockfile($filename)) {
- for ($i=0 ; $i<=$timeout ; $i++) {
- # Referenzzaehler um eins erhoehen
- &set_ref($filename,1,$timeout) and return 1;
- sleep (1);}}
- else {
- # Mastersperre
- return undef;}
+ my $filename = shift;
+ my $timeout = +shift || $Timeout;
+ unless ($LOCKED{$filename}) {
+ if (-f masterlockfile($filename)) {
+ for (1..$timeout) {
+ # try to increment the reference counter
+ #
+ if (set_ref($filename,1,$timeout)) {
+ $LOCKED{$filename}=1;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ sleep (1);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ # master lock is set or file has not been released yet
+ return;
+ }
+ }
- 0; # Mist
+ # time out
+ # maybe the system is occupied
+ 0;
-# sub w_unlock_file
+### sub w_unlock_file ($;$) ####################################################
+# remove read lock (shared lock)
+# (for no-symlink-systems)
+# Params: $filename - locked file
+# $timeout - timeout (sec.)
+# Return: Status Code (Bool)
-# Schreibsperre aufheben
sub w_unlock_file ($;$) {
- my $filename=shift;
- my ($timeout)=(shift (@_) or $Timeout);
- if (-f &masterlockfile($filename)) {
- # Referenzzaehler um eins erniedrigen
- &set_ref($filename,-1,$timeout) and return 1;}
+ my $filename = shift;
+ my $timeout = shift || $Timeout;
+ if ($LOCKED{$filename}) {
+ if ($LOCKED{$filename} == 3) {
+ return unless write_unlock_file($filename, $timeout);
+ $LOCKED{$filename} = 1;
+ }
+ if ($LOCKED{$filename} == 1) {
+ if (-f masterlockfile($filename)) {
+ # try do decrement the reference counter
+ #
+ if (set_ref($filename,-1,$timeout)) {
+ delete $LOCKED{$filename};
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
- 0; # Mist
+ # time out
+ return;
-# sub w_write_lock_file
+### sub w_write_lock_file ($;$) ################################################
+# set write lock (exclusive lock)
+# (for no-symlink-systems)
+# Params: $filename - file to lock
+# $timeout - timeout (sec.)
+# Return: Status Code (Bool)
-# Lese- und Schreibsperre
-# setzen
sub w_write_lock_file ($;$) {
my $filename=shift;
- my ($timeout)=(shift (@_) or $Timeout);
- if (-f &masterlockfile($filename) or $iAmMaster) {
- # bevorstehenden Schreibzugriff anmelden
- &simple_lock ($filename,$timeout) or return 0;
- my $i;
- for ($i=0 ; $i<=$timeout ; $i++) {
- # Referenzdatei sperren
- &simple_lock (&reffile($filename),$timeout) or (return &simple_unlock($filename,$timeout) and 0);
- # Referenzzaehler = 0 ? => okay
- return 1 if (&get_ref ($filename) == 0);
- # Referenzdatei wieder freigeben
- &simple_unlock (&reffile($filename),$timeout) or (return &simple_unlock($filename,$timeout) and 0);
- sleep(1);}
- &simple_unlock ($filename);}
+ my $timeout= shift || $Timeout;
+ my $rest = ($LOCKED{$filename} and $LOCKED{$filename} == 1) ? 1 : 0;
+ if (-f masterlockfile($filename) or $iAmMaster) {
+ # announce the write lock
+ # and wait $timeout seconds for
+ # references == 0 (no shared locks set)
+ #
+ simple_lock ($filename,$timeout) or return 0;
+ for (1..$timeout) {
+ # lock reference counter
+ # or fail
+ #
+ unless (simple_lock (reffile($filename),$timeout)) {
+ simple_unlock($filename,$timeout);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ # ready if we have no shared locks
+ #
+ if (get_ref ($filename) == $rest) {
+ $LOCKED{$filename} = 2 | ($rest ? 1 : 0);
+ return 1;
+ };
+ # release reference counter
+ # shared locks get the chance to be removed
+ #
+ unless (simple_unlock (reffile($filename),$timeout)) {
+ simple_unlock($filename,$timeout);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ sleep(1);
+ }
+ # write lock failed
+ # remove the announcement
+ #
+ simple_unlock ($filename);
+ }
else {
- # Mastersperre gesetzt
- return undef;}
+ # master lock is set or file has not been released yet
+ return;
+ }
- 0; # Mist
+ # time out
+ 0;
-# sub w_write_unlock_file
+### sub w_write_unlock_file ($;$) ##############################################
+# remove write lock (exclusive lock)
+# (for no-symlink-systems)
+# Params: $filename - locked file
+# $timeout - timeout (sec.)
+# Return: Status Code (Bool)
-# Lese- und Schreibsperre
-# aufheben
sub w_write_unlock_file ($;$) {
- my $filename=shift;
- my ($timeout)=(shift (@_) or $Timeout);
+ my $filename = shift;
+ my $timeout = shift || $Timeout;
+ if (-f masterlockfile($filename) or $iAmMaster) {
+ # remove reference counter lock
+ #
+ simple_unlock (reffile($filename),$timeout) or return;
- if (-f &masterlockfile($filename) or $iAmMaster) {
- &simple_unlock (&reffile($filename),$timeout) or return 0; # Referenzdatei freigeben
- &simple_unlock ($filename,$timeout) or return 0;} # Lesesperre aufheben
+ # remove the write lock announce
+ #
+ simple_unlock ($filename,$timeout) or return;
+ }
- 1; # jawoll!
+ # done
+ delete $LOCKED{$filename};
+ 1;
-# sub w_violent_unlock_file
+### sub w_violent_unlock_file ($) ##############################################
+# remove any lock violent (excl. master lock)
+# (for no-symlink-systems)
+# Params: $filename - locked file
+# Return: -none- (the success is not defined)
-# Sperre brutal aufheben
sub w_violent_unlock_file ($) {
- my $filename=shift;
+ my $filename = shift;
- if (-f &masterlockfile($filename)) {
+ if (-f masterlockfile($filename)) {
- # Zeit der letzten Modifikation feststellen
- # und abbrechen, wenn meine Zeit noch nicht gekommen ist
+ # find out last modification time
+ # and do nothing unless 'violent-timout' is over
+ #
my $reffile;
- if (-f ($reffile = $filename) or -f ($reffile = &lockfile($filename))) {
+ if (-f ($reffile = $filename) or -f ($reffile = lockfile($filename))) {
my $time = (stat $reffile)[9];
- return if ((time - $time) < $violentTimeout);}
+ (time - $time) >= $violentTimeout or return;
+ }
+ write_lock_file ($filename,1); # last try, to set an exclusive lock on $filename
+ unlink (reffile($filename)); # reference counter = 0
+ simple_unlock (reffile($filename)); # release reference counter file
+ simple_unlock ($filename);} # release file
+ delete $LOCKED{$filename};
- write_lock_file ($filename,1); # letzter Versuch, exklusiven Zugriff zu bekommen
- unlink (&reffile($filename)); # Referenzzaehler auf null
- simple_unlock (&reffile($filename)); # Referenzdatei freigeben
- simple_unlock ($filename);} # Datei freigeben (Lesesperre aufheben)
+ return;
-# sub w_set_master_lock
+### sub w_set_master_lock ($;$) ################################################
+# set master lock
+# (for no-symlink-systems)
+# Params: $filename - file to lock
+# $timeout - timeout (sec.)
+# Return: Status Code (Bool)
-# Mastersperre setzen
sub w_set_master_lock ($;$) {
- my $filename=shift;
- my $timeout=(shift @_ or $masterTimeout);
+ my $filename = shift;
+ my $timeout = shift || $masterTimeout;
- # exklusiven Zugriff erlangen...oder abbrechen
- return 0 unless (&write_lock_file ($filename,$timeout));
+ # set exclusive lock or fail
+ #
+ return unless (write_lock_file ($filename,$timeout));
- # Mastersperre setzen und Erfolg melden
- unlink &masterlockfile($filename) and return 1;
+ # set master lock
+ #
+ unlink masterlockfile($filename) and return 1;
- 0; # Mist
+ # no chance (occupied?, master lock set yet?)
+ return;
-# sub w_release_file
+### sub w_release_file ($) #####################################################
+# remove any locks (incl. master lock)
+# (for no-symlink-systems)
+# Params: $filename - file to lock
+# $timeout - timeout (sec.)
+# Return: Status Code (Bool)
-# Alle Sperren inkl. Master-
-# sperre aufheben
sub w_release_file ($) {
my $filename=shift;
- unlink (&reffile($filename)); # Referenzzaehler auf null
- return 0 if (-f &reffile($filename)); # wirklich?
- return 0 unless (simple_unlock (&reffile($filename))); # Referenzzaehler freigeben
- return 0 unless (&simple_unlock ($filename)); # Datei selbst freigeben (Lesesperre)
- return 0 unless (&simple_unlock (&masterfile($filename))); # Mastersperre aufheben
+ unlink (reffile($filename)); # reference counter = 0
+ return if (-f reffile($filename)); # really?
+ return unless (simple_unlock (reffile($filename))); # release reference counter
+ return unless (simple_unlock ($filename)); # remove any write lock announce
+ return unless (simple_unlock (masterfile($filename))); # remove master lock
+ delete $LOCKED{$filename};
- 1; # jup
+ # done
+ 1;
-# ====================================================
# *n*x section (symlinks possible)
-# ====================================================
-# sub x_lock_file
-# Schreibsperre setzen
+### sub x_lock_file ($;$) ######################################################
+# set read lock (shared lock)
+# (symlinks possible)
+# Params: $filename - file to lock
+# $timeout - Lock Timeout (sec.)
+# Return: Status Code (Bool)
sub x_lock_file ($;$) {
- my $filename=shift;
- my ($timeout)=(shift (@_) or $Timeout);
- my $i;
- unless (-l &masterlockfile($filename)) {
- for ($i=0 ; $i<=$timeout ; $i++) {
- # Referenzzaehler um eins erhoehen
- &set_ref($filename,1,$timeout) and return 1;
- sleep (1);}}
- else {
- # Mastersperre
- return undef;}
+ my $filename = shift;
+ my $timeout = shift || $Timeout;
+ unless ($LOCKED{$filename}) {
+ unless (-l masterlockfile($filename)) {
+ for (1..$timeout) {
+ # try to increment the reference counter
+ #
+ if (set_ref($filename,1,$timeout)) {
+ $LOCKED{$filename} = 1;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ sleep (1);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ # master lock is set or file has not been realeased yet
+ return;
+ }
+ }
- 0; # Mist
+ # time out
+ 0;
-# sub x_unlock_file
+### sub x_unlock_file ($;$) ####################################################
+# remove read lock (shared lock)
+# (symlinks possible)
+# Params: $filename - locked file
+# $timeout - timeout (sec.)
+# Return: Status Code (Bool)
-# Schreibsperre aufheben
sub x_unlock_file ($;$) {
my $filename=shift;
my ($timeout)=(shift (@_) or $Timeout);
- unless (-l &masterlockfile($filename)) {
- # Referenzzaehler um eins erniedrigen
- &set_ref($filename,-1,$timeout) and return 1;}
- 0; # Mist
+ if ($LOCKED{$filename}) {
+ if ($LOCKED{$filename} == 3) {
+ return unless write_unlock_file($filename, $timeout);
+ $LOCKED{$filename} = 1;
+ }
+ if ($LOCKED{$filename} == 1) {
+ unless (-l masterlockfile($filename)) {
+ # try to decrement the reference counter
+ #
+ set_ref($filename,-1,$timeout) and do {
+ delete $LOCKED{$filename};
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ # time out
+ return;
+ }
+ }
-# sub x_write_lock_file
+### sub x_write_lock_file ($;$) ################################################
+# set write lock (exclusive lock)
+# (symlinks possible)
+# Params: $filename - file to lock
+# $timeout - timeout (sec.)
+# Return: Status Code (Bool)
-# Lese- und Schreibsperre
-# setzen
sub x_write_lock_file ($;$) {
- my $filename=shift;
- my ($timeout)=(shift (@_) or $Timeout);
- unless (-l &masterlockfile($filename) and not $iAmMaster) {
- # bevorstehenden Schreibzugriff anmelden
- &simple_lock ($filename,$timeout) or return 0;
- my $i;
- for ($i=0 ; $i<=$timeout ; $i++) {
- # Referenzdatei sperren
- &simple_lock (&reffile($filename),$timeout) or (return &simple_unlock($filename,$timeout) and 0);
- # Referenzzaehler = 0 ? => okay
- return 1 if (&get_ref ($filename) == 0);
- # Referenzdatei wieder freigeben
- &simple_unlock (&reffile($filename),$timeout) or (return &simple_unlock($filename,$timeout) and 0);
- sleep(1);}
- &simple_unlock ($filename);}
+ my $filename = shift;
+ my $timeout = shift || $Timeout;
+ my $rest = ($LOCKED{$filename} and $LOCKED{$filename} == 1) ? 1 : 0;
+ unless (-l masterlockfile($filename) and not $iAmMaster) {
+ # announce the write lock
+ # and wait $timeout seconds for
+ # references == 0 (no shared locks set)
+ #
+ simple_lock ($filename,$timeout) or return 0;
+ for (1..$timeout) {
+ # lock reference counter
+ # or fail
+ #
+ unless (simple_lock (&reffile($filename),$timeout)) {
+ simple_unlock($filename,$timeout);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ # ready if we have no shared locks
+ #
+ if (get_ref ($filename) == $rest) {
+ $LOCKED{$filename} = 2 | ($rest ? 1 : 0);
+ return 1;
+ };
+ # release reference counter
+ # shared locks get the chance to be removed
+ #
+ unless (simple_unlock (&reffile($filename),$timeout)) {
+ simple_unlock($filename,$timeout);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ sleep(1);
+ }
+ # write lock failed
+ # remove the announcement
+ #
+ simple_unlock ($filename);
+ }
else {
- # Mastersperre gesetzt
- return undef;}
+ # master lock is set
+ # or file has not been released yet
+ #
+ return;
+ }
- 0; # Mist
+ # time out
+ # maybe the system is occupied
+ #
+ 0;
-# sub x_write_unlock_file
+### sub x_write_unlock_file ($;$) ##############################################
+# remove write lock (exclusive lock)
+# (symlinks possible)
+# Params: $filename - locked file
+# $timeout - timeout (sec.)
+# Return: Status Code (Bool)
-# Lese- und Schreibsperre
-# aufheben
sub x_write_unlock_file ($;$) {
- my $filename=shift;
- my ($timeout)=(shift (@_) or $Timeout);
+ my $filename = shift;
+ my $timeout = shift || $Timeout;
unless (-l &masterlockfile($filename) and not $iAmMaster) {
- &simple_unlock (&reffile($filename),$timeout) or return 0; # Referenzdatei freigeben
- &simple_unlock ($filename,$timeout) or return 0;} # Lesesperre aufheben
+ # remove reference counter lock
+ #
+ simple_unlock (reffile($filename),$timeout) or return;
- 1; # jawoll!
+ # remove the write lock announce
+ #
+ simple_unlock ($filename,$timeout) or return;
+ }
+ # done
+ delete $LOCKED{$filename};
+ 1;
-# sub x_violent_unlock_file
+### sub x_violent_unlock_file ($) ##############################################
+# remove any lock violent (excl. master lock)
+# (symlinks possible)
+# Params: $filename - locked file
+# Return: -none- (the success is not defined)
-# Sperre brutal aufheben
sub x_violent_unlock_file ($) {
my $filename=shift;
unless (-l &masterlockfile($filename)) {
- # Zeit der letzten Modifikation feststellen
- # und abbrechen, wenn meine Zeit noch nicht gekommen ist
+ # find out last modification time
+ # and do nothing unless 'violent-timout' is over
+ #
my ($reffile,$time);
if (-f ($reffile = $filename)) {
$time = (stat $reffile)[9];}
- elsif (-l ($reffile = &lockfile($filename))) {
+ elsif (-l ($reffile = lockfile($filename))) {
$time = (lstat $reffile)[9];}
if ($reffile) {
return if ((time - $time) < $violentTimeout);}
- write_lock_file ($filename,1); # letzter Versuch, exklusiven Zugriff zu bekommen
- unlink (&reffile($filename)); # Referenzzaehler auf null
- simple_unlock (&reffile($filename)); # Referenzdatei freigeben
- simple_unlock ($filename);} # Datei freigeben (Lesesperre aufheben)
+ write_lock_file ($filename,1); # last try, to set an exclusive lock on $filename
+ unlink (reffile($filename)); # reference counter = 0
+ simple_unlock (reffile($filename)); # release reference counter file
+ simple_unlock ($filename);} # release file
+ delete $LOCKED{$filename};
-# sub x_set_master_lock
+### sub x_set_master_lock ($;$) ################################################
+# set master lock
+# (symlinks possible)
+# Params: $filename - file to lock
+# $timeout - timeout (sec.)
+# Return: Status Code (Bool)
-# Mastersperre setzen
sub x_set_master_lock ($;$) {
- my $filename=shift;
- my $timeout=(shift @_ or $masterTimeout);
+ my $filename = shift;
+ my $timeout = shift || $masterTimeout;
- # exklusiven Zugriff erlangen...oder abbrechen
- return 0 unless (&write_lock_file ($filename,$timeout));
+ # set exclusive lock or fail
+ #
+ return unless (write_lock_file ($filename,$timeout));
- # Mastersperre setzen und Erfolg melden
- symlink $filename, &masterlockfile($filename) and return 1;
+ # set master lock
+ #
+ symlink $filename, masterlockfile($filename) and return 1;
- 0; # Mist
+ # no chance (occupied?, master lock set yet?)
+ return;
-# sub x_release_file
+### sub x_release_file ($) #####################################################
+# remove any locks (incl. master lock)
+# (symlinks possible)
+# Params: $filename - file to lock
+# $timeout - timeout (sec.)
+# Return: Status Code (Bool)
-# Alle Sperren inkl. Master-
-# sperre aufheben
sub x_release_file ($) {
my $filename=shift;
- unlink (&reffile($filename)); # Referenzzaehler auf null
- return 0 if (-f &reffile($filename)); # wirklich?
- return 0 unless (simple_unlock (&reffile($filename))); # Referenzzaehler freigeben
- return 0 unless (&simple_unlock ($filename)); # Datei selbst freigeben (Lesesperre)
- return 0 unless (&simple_unlock (&masterfile($filename))); # Mastersperre aufheben
- 1; # jup
-# ====================================================
-# private subs
-# ====================================================
+ unlink (reffile($filename)); # reference counter = 0
+ return if (-f reffile($filename)); # really?
+ return unless (simple_unlock (reffile($filename))); # release reference counter
+ return unless (simple_unlock ($filename)); # remove any write lock announce
+ return unless (simple_unlock (masterfile($filename))); # remove master lock
+ delete $LOCKED{$filename};
-# Dateinamen
-sub reffile ($) {
- "$_[0].lock.ref";
-sub lockfile ($) {
- "$_[0].lock";
-sub masterlockfile ($) {
- &lockfile(&masterfile($_[0]));
-sub masterfile ($) {
- "$_[0].master";
+ # done
+ 1;
-# einfaches Sperren/Entsperren
-# Windows
+### sub w_simple_lock ($;$) ####################################################
+### sub w_simple_unlock ($) ####################################################
+# simple file lock/unlock
+# (for no-symlink-systems: kill/create lockfile)
+# Params: $filename - file to lock
+# [ $timeout - Lock time out (sec.) ]
+# Return: Status Code (Bool)
-# (Lockdatei loeschen)
sub w_simple_lock ($;$) {
- my $filename=shift;
- my ($timeout)=(shift (@_) or $Timeout);
- my $lockfile=&lockfile($filename);
+ my $filename = shift;
+ my $timeout = shift || $Timeout;
+ my $lockfile = lockfile $filename;
- my $i;
- for ($i=$timeout; $i>=0; $i--) {
- unlink("$lockfile") and return 1;
- sleep(1);}
+ for (1..$timeout) {
+ unlink $lockfile and return 1;
+ sleep(1);
+ }
- 0; # Mist
+ # timeout
+ # occupied?
+ return;
sub w_simple_unlock ($) {
- my $filename=shift;
- my $lockfile=&lockfile($filename);
- my $flag=1;
+ my $filename = shift;
+ my $lockfile = lockfile $filename;
local *LF;
- open(LF, ">$lockfile") or $flag=0;
- close(LF) or $flag=0;
+ if (sysopen(LF, $lockfile, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC)) {
+ return 1 if close (LF);
+ }
- # Rueckgabe
- $flag;
+ # not able to create lockfile, hmmm...
+ #
+ return;
-# einfaches Sperren/Entsperren
-# *n*x
+### sub x_simple_lock ($;$) ####################################################
+### sub x_simple_unlock ($) ####################################################
+# simple file lock/unlock
+# (symlinks possible: create/unlink symlink)
+# Params: $filename - file to lock
+# [ $timeout - Lock time out (sec.) ]
+# Return: Status Code (Bool)
-# (symlink setzen)
sub x_simple_lock ($;$) {
- my $filename=shift;
- my ($timeout)=(shift (@_) or $Timeout);
- my $lockfile=&lockfile($filename);
+ my $filename = shift;
+ my $timeout = shift || $Timeout;
+ my $lockfile = lockfile $filename;
- my $i;
- for ($i=$timeout; $i>=0; $i--) {
+ for (1..$timeout) {
symlink $filename,$lockfile and return 1;
- sleep(1);}
+ sleep(1);
+ }
- 0; # Mist
+ # time out
+ return;
sub x_simple_unlock ($) {
my $filename=shift;
- unlink (&lockfile($filename)) and return 1;
+ unlink (lockfile $filename) and return 1;
- 0; # hmmm...
+ # not able to unlink symlink, hmmm...
+ #
+ return;
-# sub w_set_ref
-# Windows
+### sub w_set_ref ($$$) ########################################################
+# add $_[1] to reference counter
+# (may be negative...)
+# (for no-symlink-systems)
+# Params: $filename - file, reference counter belongs to
+# $z - value, added to reference counter
+# $timeout - lock time out
+# Return: Status Code (Bool)
-# Referenzzaehler um $_[1]
-# erhoehen
-# (kann auch negativ sein...)
sub w_set_ref ($$$) {
- my ($filename,$z)=@_;
- my $timeout=(shift @_ or $Timeout);
- my $old;
- my $reffile=&reffile($filename);
+ my $filename = shift;
+ my $z = shift;
+ my $timeout = shift || $Timeout;
+ my $reffile = reffile $filename;
local *REF;
+ # if write lock announced, only count down allowed
+ #
+ ($z < 0 or -f lockfile ($filename)) or return;
- # runterzaehlen - ja, neue Leseversuche - nein
- if ($z > 0) {
- return 0 unless(-e &lockfile($filename));}
+ # lock reference counter file
+ #
+ simple_lock ($reffile,$timeout) or return;
- # Referenzdatei locken
- return 0 unless(&simple_lock ($reffile,$timeout));
+ # load reference counter
+ #
+ my $old = get_ref ($filename);
- # Referenzdatei auslesen
- unless (open REF,"<$reffile") {
- $old=0;}
- else {
- $old=<REF>;
- chomp $old;
- close REF or return 0;}
- # Neuen Referenzwert schreiben
- $old+=$z;
- $old=0 if ($old < 0);
- if ($old == 0)
- {
- unlink $reffile or return 0;
+ # compute and write new ref. counter
+ #
+ $old += $z;
+ $old = 0 if ($old < 0);
+ # kill reference counter file
+ # if ref. counter == 0
+ #
+ if ($old == 0) {
+ unlink $reffile or return;
- else
- {
- open REF,">$reffile" or return 0;
- print REF $old or return 0;
- close REF or return 0;
+ else {
+ local $\="\n";
+ sysopen (REF, $reffile, O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT) or return;
+ print REF $old or do {
+ close REF;
+ return
+ };
+ close REF or return;
- # wieder entsperren
- return 0 unless(&simple_unlock($reffile));
+ # release ref. counter file
+ #
+ simple_unlock($reffile) or return;
+ # done
-# sub x_set_ref
-# *n*x
+### sub x_set_ref ($$$) ########################################################
+# add $_[1] to reference counter
+# (may be negative...)
+# (symlinks possible)
+# Params: $filename - file, reference counter belongs to
+# $z - value, added to reference counter
+# $timeout - lock time out
+# Return: Status Code (Bool)
-# Referenzzaehler um $_[1]
-# erhoehen
-# (kann auch negativ sein...)
sub x_set_ref ($$$) {
- my ($filename,$z)=@_;
- my $timeout=(shift @_ or $Timeout);
- my $old;
- my $reffile=&reffile($filename);
+ my $filename = shift;
+ my $z = shift;
+ my $timeout = shift || $Timeout;
+ my $reffile = reffile $filename;
local *REF;
- # runterzaehlen - ja, neue Leseversuche - nein
+ # if write lock announced, only count down allowed
+ #
if ($z > 0) {
- return 0 if(-l &lockfile($filename));}
+ return if(-l lockfile($filename));
+ }
- # Referenzdatei locken
- return 0 unless(&simple_lock ($reffile,$timeout));
+ # lock reference counter file
+ #
+ return unless(simple_lock ($reffile,$timeout));
- # Referenzdatei auslesen
- unless (open REF,"<$reffile") {
- $old=0;}
- else {
- $old=<REF>;
- chomp $old;
- close REF or return 0;}
+ # load reference counter
+ #
+ my $old = get_ref ($filename);
- # Neuen Referenzwert schreiben
+ # compute and write new ref. counter
+ #
$old += $z;
$old = 0 if ($old < 0);
- if ($old == 0)
- {
- unlink $reffile or return 0;
+ if ($old == 0) {
+ unlink $reffile or return;
- else
- {
- open REF,">$reffile" or return 0;
- print REF $old or return 0;
- close REF or return 0;
+ else {
+ local $\="\n";
+ sysopen (REF, $reffile, O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT) or return;
+ print REF $old or do {
+ close REF;
+ return
+ };
+ close REF or return;
- # wieder entsperren
- return 0 unless(&simple_unlock($reffile));
+ # release ref. counter file
+ #
+ simple_unlock($reffile) or return;
+ # done
-# sub get_ref
+### sub get_ref ($) ############################################################
-# Referenzzaehler auslesen
+# read out the reference counter
+# (system independant)
+# no locking here!
-# Das Locking muss an
-# anderer Stelle ausgefuehrt
-# werden!
-sub get_ref ($$) {
- my $filename=shift;
- my $reffile=&reffile($filename);
+# Params: $filename - file, the ref. counter belongs to
+# Return: reference counter
+sub get_ref ($) {
+ my $filename = shift;
+ my $reffile = reffile $filename;
my $old;
local *REF;
- unless (open REF,"<$reffile") {
- $old=0;}
- else {
- $old=<REF>;
+ if (sysopen (REF, $reffile, O_RDONLY)) {
+ local $/="\n";
+ read REF, $old, -s $reffile;
+ close REF;
chomp $old;
- close REF or return 0;}
+ }
- # Rueckgabe
- $old;
+ # return value
+ $old or 0;
-# ====================================================
-# Modulinitialisierung
-# ====================================================
+# initializing the module
- # Globale Variablen (Zeiten in Sekunden)
- $Timeout = 10; # normaler Timeout
- $violentTimeout = 600; # zum gewaltsamen Entsperren (10 Minuten)
- $masterTimeout = 20; # fuer die Mastersperre
+ # global variables (time in seconds)
+ #
+ $Timeout = 10; # normal timeout
+ $violentTimeout = 600; # violent timeout (10 minutes)
+ $masterTimeout = 20; # master timeout
+ $iAmMaster = 0; # default: I am nobody
- $iAmMaster = 0; # erstmal bin ich kein Master :-)
+ %LOCKED = ();
- # wirkliche Funktionen ihren Bezeichnern zuweisen
+ # assign the aliases to the needed functions
# (perldoc -f symlink)
if ( eval {local $SIG{__DIE__}; symlink('',''); 1 } ) {
*simple_lock = \&x_simple_lock;
*simple_unlock = \&x_simple_unlock;
- *set_ref = \&x_set_ref;}
+ *set_ref = \&x_set_ref;
+ }
else {
*lock_file = \&w_lock_file;
*simple_lock = \&w_simple_lock;
*simple_unlock = \&w_simple_unlock;
- *set_ref = \&w_set_ref;}
+ *set_ref = \&w_set_ref;
+ }
-# making require happy
+# keeping require happy
-# ====================================================
-# end of Lock
-# ====================================================
\ No newline at end of file
+### end of Lock ################################################################
\ No newline at end of file