# #
# File: shared/Arc/Archive.pm #
# #
-# Authors: Andre Malo <nd@o3media.de>, 2001-06-16 #
+# Authors: André Malo <nd@o3media.de> #
# #
# Description: Severance of Threads and archiving #
# #
use Posting::Cache;
+use Time::German 'localtime';
use XML::DOM;
# Version check
-$VERSION = do { my @r =(q$Revision$ =~ /\d+/g); sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r, @r };
+# last modified:
+# $Date$ (GMT)
+# by $Author$
+sub VERSION {(q$Revision$ =~ /([\d.]+)\s*$/)[0] or '0.0'}
use base qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(cut_tail);
-### sub cut_tail ($) ###########################################################
+### delete_no_archived () ######################################################
+# remove no archived branches vom thread
+# Params: $xml - XML::DOM::Document node
+# $msg - arrayref - messages
+# $percent - voting limit (percent)
+# Return: ~none~
+sub delete_no_archived ($) {
+ my $par = shift;
+ my ($xml, $sum, $tid, $msg, $percent) = map {$par->{$_}}
+ qw( xml sum tid msg percent);
+ # $oldlevel: contains the level of last checked msg
+ # @path : contains the current branch
+ # %archive : contains the mids, that will be archived
+ # %hidden : contains the invisible mids
+ #
+ my ($oldlevel, @path, %archive, %hidden) = (0, 0);
+ # check all messages of thread
+ #
+ for my $z (0..$#{$msg}) {
+ if ($msg -> [$z] -> {level} > $oldlevel) {
+ # this msg is a child of the last one
+ #
+ push @path => $z;
+ $oldlevel = $msg -> [$z] -> {level};
+ }
+ elsif ($msg -> [$z] -> {level} < $oldlevel) {
+ # this starts a new subbranch (-1+ level(s))
+ #
+ # remove last msg (incl. kids), that is on same level
+ #
+ splice @path, $msg -> [$z] -> {level};
+ push @path => $z;
+ $oldlevel = $msg -> [$z] -> {level};
+ }
+ else {
+ # the msg is a sister of the last one
+ #
+ $path[-1] = $z;
+ }
+ # 'archive' is an admin flag
+ # if set, the message (incl. branch) MUST be archived
+ #
+ if (defined $msg->[$z]->{archive} and $msg->[$z]->{archive}) {
+ $archive{$msg->[$_]->{mid}} = 1 for (@path);
+ }
+ # notice invisble messages
+ # while they are in @path and archive flag is not set,
+ # they and their kids WON'T be archived
+ #
+ $hidden{$z} = 1 if ($msg->[$z]->{deleted});
+ # if 'archive' is NOT set and message not deleted,
+ #
+ unless ($msg->[$z]->{archive} or $msg->[$z]->{deleted}) {
+ my $key = $sum->{$tid}->{$msg->[$z]->{mid}};
+ # ...and they've voted enough, it will be archived
+ #
+ if ($percent == 0 or ($key->{views} and ($key->{votings} * 100 / $key->{views}) >= $percent)) {
+ my $hidden_in_path;
+ # check on hidden messages in @path
+ #
+ for (@path) {
+ if ($hidden{$_}) {
+ $hidden_in_path = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ # set archive-flag for messages in @path,
+ # unless a parent message is hidden
+ #
+ unless ($hidden_in_path) {
+ $archive{$msg->[$_]->{mid}} = 1 for (@path);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # now remove messages without 'archive'-flag
+ # from thread xml
+ #
+ for (reverse grep {!$archive{$_->{mid}}} @$msg) {
+ my $h = get_message_node($xml, "t$tid", 'm'.$_->{mid});
+ # remove message entry
+ #
+ $h -> getParentNode -> removeChild ($h);
+ # remove message text
+ #
+ $h = get_body_node($xml, 'm'.$_->{mid});
+ $h -> getParentNode -> removeChild ($h);
+ # 'remove' from $msg
+ #
+ $_->{deleted} = 1;
+ }
+### create_arcdir () ###########################################################
+# check, if specific directories for year and month exist, create
+# it, if necessary
+# Params: $path - archive root
+# $time - Thread time (GMT)
+# Return: List: $path - /path/to/ to archived thread file
+# $error - error or undef
+sub create_arcdir ($$) {
+ my ($path, $time) = @_;
+ my ($month, $year) = (localtime ($time))[4,5];
+ # use the 'real' values for directory names
+ #
+ $month++; $year+=1900;
+ my $yeardir = $path . $year;
+ my $monthdir = $yeardir . '/' . $month;
+ my $monthpath = $monthdir . '/';
+ mkdir $yeardir, 0777 unless (-d $yeardir);
+ return ('', "could not create directory '$yeardir'") unless (-d $yeardir);
+ mkdir $monthdir, 0777 unless (-d $monthdir);
+ return ('', "could not create directory '$monthdir'") unless (-d $monthdir);
+ # return path, successfully created
+ #
+ $monthpath;
+### process_threads () #########################################################
+# process obsolete threads
+# (transmit views/votings from cache, do archive, if necessary)
+# Params: $par - hash reference
+# (opt, cache, failed, obsolete, messagePath,
+# archivePath, adminDefault)
+# Return: hashref (tid => $msg)
+sub process_threads ($) {
+ my $par = shift;
+ my ($opt, $failed, $obsolete, $cache) = map {$par->{$_}} qw
+ ( opt failed obsolete cache);
+ my %archived;
+ if ($opt->{exArchiving}) {
+ # yes, we do archive
+ #
+ my $sum = $cache -> summary;
+ if ($sum) {
+ # iterate over all obsolete threads, that are not failed yet
+ #
+ for my $tid (grep {not exists ($failed->{$_})} @$obsolete) {
+ my $xml = parse_xml_file ($par->{messagePath}."t$tid.xml");
+ unless ($xml) {
+ # xml parse error
+ #
+ $failed->{$tid} = 'could not parse thread file.';
+ }
+ else {
+ # ok, parse thread
+ #
+ my $tnode = $xml -> getElementsByTagName ('Thread') -> item(0);
+ my $msg = parse_single_thread ($tnode, KEEP_DELETED);
+ if ($opt->{archiving} eq 'UserVotings') {
+ # filter out the bad stuff
+ #
+ delete_no_archived ({
+ xml => $xml,
+ sum => $sum,
+ tid => $tid,
+ msg => $msg,
+ percent => $par->{adminDefault}->{Voting}->{Limit}
+ });
+ }
+ # save back xml file (into archive)
+ #
+ if ($tnode -> hasChildNodes) {
+ # insert views and votings counter
+ #
+ for ($tnode -> getElementsByTagName ('Message')) {
+ my ($id) = $_ -> getAttribute ('id') =~ /(\d+)/;
+ $_ -> setAttribute ('views' => $sum->{$tid}->{$id}->{views});
+ $_ -> setAttribute ('votings' => $sum->{$tid}->{$id}->{votings});
+ }
+ # create archive dir, unless exists
+ #
+ my ($path, $error) = create_arcdir ($par -> {archivePath}, $msg->[0]->{time});
+ if ($error) {
+ $failed->{$tid} = $error;
+ }
+ else {
+ # save thread file
+ #
+ my $file = "${path}t$tid.xml";
+ unless (save_file ($file => \($xml -> toString))) {
+ $failed->{$tid} = "could not save '$file'";
+ }
+ else {
+ $archived{$tid} = $msg
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ @$failed{@$obsolete} = 'error: could not load summary';
+ }
+ }
+ \%archived;
+### append_threads () ##########################################################
+# open specified index file, append threads, save it back
+# Params: $file - /path/to/indexfile
+# $threads - hashref (threads)
+# Return: success code (boolean)
+sub append_threads ($$) {
+ my ($file, $threads) = @_;
+ my $thash={};
+ my $index = new Lock ($file);
+ return unless ($index -> lock (LH_EXCL));
+ if (-f $file) {
+ $thash = get_all_threads ($file => KEEP_DELETED);
+ $thash->{$_} = $threads->{$_} for (keys %$threads);
+ }
+ else {
+ $thash = $threads;
+ }
+ # save it back...
+ #
+ my $saved = save_file (
+ $file => create_forum_xml_string (
+ $threads,
+ {
+ dtd => 'forum.dtd',
+ lastMessage => 0,
+ lastThread => 0
+ }
+ )
+ );
+ $index -> unlock;
+ return unless $saved;
+ 1;
+### indexpath () ###############################################################
+# compose relative path of archive index file
+# Params: $param - hash reference
+# ($msg->[0])
+# Return: $string (relative path)
+sub indexpath ($) {
+ my $root = shift;
+ my ($month, $year) = (localtime ($root->{time}))[4,5];
+ # use the 'real' values for directory names
+ #
+ $month++; $year+=1900;
+ "$year/$month/";
+### index_threads () ###########################################################
+# add threads to their specific archive index file
+# Params: $param - hash reference
+# (threads, archivePath, archiveIndex, failed)
+# Return: ~none~
+sub index_threads ($) {
+ my $par = shift;
+ my ($threads, $failed) = map {$par->{$_}} qw
+ ( threads failed);
+ # indexfile => hashref of threads
+ # for more efficiency (open each index file *once*)
+ #
+ my %index;
+ # iterate over all archived threads,
+ # prepare indexing and assign threads to indexfiles
+ #
+ for my $thread (keys %$threads) {
+ # index only, if the root is visible
+ #
+ unless ($threads->{$thread}->[0]->{deleted}) {
+ my $file = $par->{archivePath} . indexpath ($threads->{$thread}->[0]) . $par->{archiveIndex};
+ $index{$file} = {} unless exists($index{$file});
+ $index{$file} -> {$thread} = [$threads->{$thread}->[0]];
+ }
+ }
+ # now append threads to index files
+ #
+ for my $file (keys %index) {
+ unless (append_threads ($file => $index{$file})) {
+ $failed->{$_} = "error: could not list in '$file'" for (keys %{$index{$file}});
+ }
+ }
+### cut_tail () ################################################################
# shorten the main file and archive, if necessary
# Params: $param - hash reference
# (forumFile, messagePath, archivePath, lockFile, adminDefault,
-# cachePath)
+# cachePath, archiveIndex)
# Return: hash reference - empty if all right done
my $param = shift;
my %failed;
- if ( $param->{adminDefault}->{Severance}->{severance} ne 'instant'
- or $param->{adminDefault}->{Instant}->{execute}
+ if (
+ $param->{adminDefault}->{Severance}->{severance} ne 'instant' or
+ $param->{adminDefault}->{Instant}->{execute}
) {
+ # run only one instance at the same time
+ # (exlusive lock on sev_lock)
+ #
my $sev = new Lock ($param->{lockFile});
if ($sev -> lock(LH_EXCL)) {
+ # lock and parse forum main file
+ #
my $forum = new Lock ($param->{forumFile});
if ($forum -> lock (LH_EXCL)) {
my (
- $dtd,
- undef
+ $dtd
) = get_all_threads ($forum->filename, KEEP_DELETED);
+ # get obsolete threads...
+ #
my $obsolete = get_obsolete_threads ({
parsedThreads => $threads,
adminDefault => $param->{adminDefault}
- delete $threads->{$_} for (@$obsolete);
+ unless (@$obsolete) {
+ # nothing to cut - we're ready
+ #
+ $forum -> unlock;
+ }
+ else {
+ # ...and delete them from main
+ #
+ my %obsolete;
+ for (@$obsolete) {
+ $obsolete{$_} = $threads->{$_};
+ delete $threads->{$_};
+ }
+ # save it back...
+ #
+ my $saved = save_file (
+ $param -> {forumFile},
+ create_forum_xml_string (
+ $threads,
+ {
+ dtd => $dtd,
+ lastMessage => $last_message,
+ lastThread => $last_thread
+ }
+ )
+ );
- my $saved = save_file (
- $param -> {forumFile},
- create_forum_xml_string (
- $threads,
- { dtd => $dtd,
- lastMessage => $last_message,
- lastThread => $last_thread
+ # ...and masterlock the obsolete thread files
+ #
+ if ($saved) {
+ for (@$obsolete) {
+ new Lock($param->{messagePath}."t$_.xml")->lock(LH_MASTER) or $failed{$_} = 'error: could not set master lock';
- )
- );
- if ($saved) {
- for (@$obsolete) {
- new Lock($param->{messagePath}."t$_.xml")->lock(LH_MASTER) or $failed{$_} = 'could not set master lock';
- }
- $forum -> unlock;
- if ($saved) {
- # now process thread files
+ # release forum main file...
- my $sev_opt = ($param -> {adminDefault} -> {Severance} -> {severance} eq 'instant')
- ? $param -> {adminDefault} -> {Instant} -> {Severance}
- : ($param -> {adminDefault} -> {Severance});
+ $forum -> unlock;
+ if ($saved) {
+ # ...and now process thread files
+ #
+ my $sev_opt = ($param -> {adminDefault} -> {Severance} -> {severance} eq 'instant')
+ ? $param -> {adminDefault} -> {Instant} -> {Severance}
+ : ($param -> {adminDefault} -> {Severance});
- my $cache = new Posting::Cache ($param->{cachePath});
+ my $cache = new Posting::Cache ($param->{cachePath});
- if ($sev_opt->{exArchiving}) {
- # yes, we cut & archive
+ process_threads ({
+ opt => $sev_opt,
+ cache => $cache,
+ failed => \%failed,
+ obsolete => $obsolete,
+ messagePath => $param->{messagePath},
+ archivePath => $param->{archivePath},
+ adminDefault => $param->{adminDefault}
+ });
+ # delete processed files, that are not failed
- my $sum = $cache -> summary;
- if ($sum) {
- for my $tid (grep {not exists ($failed{$_})} @$obsolete) {
- my $xml = parse_xml_file ($param->{messagePath}."t$tid.xml");
- unless ($xml) {
- $failed{$tid} = 'could not parse thread file.';
+ my @removed;
+ for (grep {not exists($failed{$_})} @$obsolete) {
+ if (exists($failed{$_})) {
+ delete $obsolete{$_};
+ }
+ else {
+ unless (unlink ($param->{messagePath}."t$_.xml")) {
+ $failed{$_} = 'warning: could not delete thread file';
else {
- my $tnode = $xml -> getElementsByTagName ('Thread') -> item(0);
- my $msg = parse_single_thread ($tnode, KEEP_DELETED);
- if ($sev_opt->{archiving} eq 'UserVotings') {
- # filter out the bad stuff
- #
- my $percent = $param->{adminDefault}->{Voting}->{Limit};
- my ($oldlevel, @path, $z, %archive) = (0, 0);
- for $z (0..$#{$msg}) {
- if ($msg -> [$z] -> {level} > $oldlevel) {
- push @path => $z;
- $oldlevel = $msg -> [$z] -> {level};
- }
- elsif ($msg -> [$z] -> {level} < $oldlevel) {
- splice @path, $msg -> [$z] -> {level};
- push @path => $z;
- $oldlevel = $msg -> [$z] -> {level};
- }
- else {
- $path[-1] = $z;
- }
- if (defined $msg->[$z]->{archive}) {
- if ($msg->[$z]->{archive}) {
- $archive{$msg->[$_]->{mid}} = 1 for (@path);
- }
- }
- unless ($msg->[$z]->{archive} or $msg->[$z]->{deleted}) {
- my $key = $sum->{$tid}->{$msg->[$z]->{mid}};
- if ($percent == 0 or ($key->{views} and ($key->{votings} * 100 / $key->{views}) >= $percent)) {
- $archive{$msg->[$_]->{mid}} = 1 for (@path);
- }
- }
- }
- # now filter out
- #
- for (reverse grep {!$archive{$_->{mid}}} @$msg) {
- my $h = get_message_node($xml, "t$tid", 'm'.$_->{mid});
- $h -> getParentNode -> removeChild ($h);
- $h = get_body_node($xml, 'm'.$_->{mid});
- $h -> getParentNode -> removeChild ($h);
- }
- }
- # save back xml file (into archive)
- #
- if ($tnode -> hasChildNodes) {
- # insert views and votings counter
- #
- for ($tnode -> getElementsByTagName ('Message')) {
- my ($id) = $_ -> getAttribute ('id') =~ /(\d+)/;
- $_ -> setAttribute ('views' => $sum->{$tid}->{$id}->{views});
- $_ -> setAttribute ('votings' => $sum->{$tid}->{$id}->{votings});
- }
- my ($month, $year) = (localtime ($msg->[0]->{time}))[4,5];
- $month++; $year+=1900;
- my $yeardir = $param -> {archivePath} . $year;
- my $yearpath = $yeardir . '/';
- my $monthdir = $yearpath . $month;
- my $monthpath = $monthdir . '/';
- my $file = $monthpath . "t$tid.xml";
- mkdir $yeardir unless (-d $yeardir);
- if (-d $yeardir) {
- mkdir $monthdir unless (-d $monthdir);
- if (-d $monthdir) {
- save_file (
- $file,
- \($xml -> toString)
- ) or $failed{$tid} = "could not save '$file'";
- }
- else {
- $failed{$tid} = "could not create directory '$monthdir'";
- }
- }
- else {
- $failed{$tid} = "could not create directory '$yeardir'";
- }
- }
+ push @removed => $_;
+ #file_removed ($param->{messagePath}."t$_.xml");
- else {
- @failed{@$obsolete} = 'could not load summary';
+ if (@removed) {
+ $cache -> delete_threads (@removed);
+ $cache -> garbage_collection;
+ # add archived threads to archive index
+ #
+ index_threads ({
+ threads => \%obsolete,
+ archivePath => $param->{archivePath},
+ archiveIndex => $param->{archiveIndex},
+ failed => \%failed
+ });
- # delete processed files
- #
- for (grep {not exists($failed{$_})} @$obsolete) {
- unlink ($param->{messagePath}."t$_.xml") or $failed{$_} = 'could not delete thread file';
- #file_removed ($param->{messagePath}."t$_.xml");
- }
- $cache -> delete_threads (@$obsolete);
- $cache -> garbage_collection;
+ # we're ready, tell this other (waiting?) instances
+ #
+ $sev -> unlock;
- $sev -> unlock;