From f69abb46fffae25b517a067d1afc532c67fd9ca3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ndparker <>
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2001 00:52:18 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 1/1], Template/, Encode/
fixed some bugs (that produced warnings), style changes, added some comments
Posting/ no really changes
selfforum-cgi/shared/Encode/ | 4 +-
selfforum-cgi/shared/ | 95 ++++++----
selfforum-cgi/shared/Template/ | 226 ++++++++++++++---------
3 files changed, 193 insertions(+), 132 deletions(-)
diff --git a/selfforum-cgi/shared/Encode/ b/selfforum-cgi/shared/Encode/
index 76463bc..80c414b 100644
--- a/selfforum-cgi/shared/Encode/
+++ b/selfforum-cgi/shared/Encode/
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ sub answer_field ($$) {
my $qchar = $params -> {quoteChars};
- $area =~ s/(?:^|(
)/$1\177/g if ($params -> {quoteArea}); # Antwortfeld quoten?!
+ $area =~ s/(?:^|(
)/$1 || '' . "\177"/eg if ($params -> {quoteArea}); # Antwortfeld quoten?!
$area =~ s/\177/$qchar/g; # normalisierte Quotes jedenfalls in Chars umsetzen
# HTML-Zeug zurueckuebersetzen
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ sub message_field ($$) {
foreach $line (split (/
/,$posting)) { # Zeilenweise gucken,
($q) = ($line =~ /^(\177+)/g); # wieviele
- $level = length ($q); # Quotingchars am Anfang stehen
+ $level = length ($q or ''); # Quotingchars am Anfang stehen
if ($level != $last_level) { # wenn sich was verandert...
# ... dann TU ETWAS!
diff --git a/selfforum-cgi/shared/ b/selfforum-cgi/shared/
index a55f79e..e74d1d2 100644
--- a/selfforum-cgi/shared/
+++ b/selfforum-cgi/shared/
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ use strict;
package Template;
-use autouse 'Carp' => qw(croak);
+use autouse 'Carp' => qw(croak confess);
use XML::DOM;
# ====================================================
@@ -141,7 +141,12 @@ sub parse_file {
if (-f $self -> {file}) {
my $filename = $self -> {file};
- my $xml = new XML::DOM::Parser -> parsefile ($filename);
+ my $xml = eval {
+ local $SIG{__DIE__};
+ new XML::DOM::Parser -> parsefile ($filename);
+ };
+ croak "error in template file '$filename': $@" if ($@);
my $template = $xml -> getElementsByTagName ('Template', 0) -> item (0);
# Metas bestimmen
@@ -175,7 +180,7 @@ sub parse_file {
sub parse_if {
my $self = shift;
- my ($scrap,$params) = @_;
+ my ($scrap, $params) = @_;
my $qmon = quotemeta $self -> {metaon};
my $qmoff = quotemeta $self -> {metaoff};
@@ -184,46 +189,56 @@ sub parse_if {
# ... aber er funktioniert :-)
# pfff - rekursive Strukturen iterativ parsen ist nicht wirklich witzig
- while ($$scrap=~s[ ($qmon\s*%(?:IF|ELSE)\s+.+?\s*$qmoff.*?) # Wenn IF oder ELSE von
- (?=$qmon\s*%IF\s+.+?\s*$qmoff) # IF gefolgt werden, soll
- # dieses Stueck uebersprungen
- # werden und erstmal mit der
- # naechsten Ebene weitergemacht
- # werden.
- |( # hier beginnt $2
- $qmon\s*%IF\s+(.+?)\s*$qmoff # IF
- (.*?) # $4
- (?:
- $qmon\s*%ENDIF\s*$qmoff # gefolgt von ENDIF
- | # oder
- $qmon\s*%ELSE\s*$qmoff # von ELSE... ($4 ELSE $5) $5 $6
- (.*?)
- $qmon\s*%ENDIF\s*$qmoff # und ENDIF
- )
- )
- ]
- [my $ret;
- if ($2) {
- my ($t4,$t5,$t6) = ($4,$5,$6);
- my $flag=0;
- foreach (split /\s+/,$3) {
- if (exists($params->{$_}) and length(${$params->{$_}})) {$ret = $t4; $flag=1;last;}}
- $ret = $t5 unless ($flag);}
- else {$ret=$1;}
- $ret;
- ]gosex) {};
+ #
+ 1 while ($$scrap =~ s {
+ ($qmon\s*%(?:IF|ELSE)\s+.+?\s*$qmoff.*?) # Wenn IF oder ELSE von
+ (?=$qmon\s*%IF\s+.+?\s*$qmoff) # IF gefolgt werden, soll
+ # dieses Stueck uebersprungen
+ # werden und erstmal mit der
+ # naechsten Ebene weitergemacht
+ # werden.
+ |( # hier beginnt $2
+ $qmon\s*%IF\s+(.+?)\s*$qmoff # IF
+ (.*?) # $4
+ (?:
+ $qmon\s*%ENDIF\s*$qmoff # gefolgt von ENDIF
+ | # oder
+ $qmon\s*%ELSE\s*$qmoff # von ELSE... ($4 ELSE $5)
+ (.*?)
+ $qmon\s*%ENDIF\s*$qmoff # und ENDIF
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ { my $ret;
+ if ($2) {
+ my ($t3, $t4, $t5) = ($3, $4, $5);
+ for (split /\s+/,$t3) {
+ next unless (
+ exists($params->{$_})
+ and length ${$params->{$_}}
+ );
+ $ret = $t4; last;
+ }
+ $ret = $t5 || '' unless (defined $ret);
+ }
+ else {
+ $ret=$1;
+ }
+ $ret;
+ }gosex);
-# ====================================================
-# Modulinitialisierung
-# ====================================================
-# making require happy
+# keep require happy
-# ====================================================
-# end of Template
-# ====================================================
\ No newline at end of file
+### end of Template ############################################################
diff --git a/selfforum-cgi/shared/Template/ b/selfforum-cgi/shared/Template/
index 441178d..5081a1a 100644
--- a/selfforum-cgi/shared/Template/
+++ b/selfforum-cgi/shared/Template/
@@ -1,22 +1,29 @@
-# Template/
+package Template::Posting;
-# ====================================================
-# Autor: n.d.p. / 2001-01-14
-# lm : n.d.p. / 2001-01-14
-# ====================================================
-# Funktion:
-# HTML-Darstellung eines Postings
-# ====================================================
+# #
+# File: shared/Template/ #
+# #
+# Authors: Andre Malo , 2001-04-01 #
+# #
+# Description: show HTML formatted posting #
+# #
use strict;
-package Template::Posting;
use Encode::Posting;
use Encode::Plain; $Encode::Plain::utf8 = 1;
use Id;
-use Lock qw(:WRITE);
-use Posting::_lib qw(get_message_node get_message_header get_message_body parse_single_thread hr_time);
+use Lock qw(:READ);
+use Posting::_lib qw(
+ get_message_node
+ get_message_header
+ get_message_body
+ parse_single_thread
+ parse_xml_file
+ hr_time
use Template;
use Template::_conf;
use Template::_query;
@@ -24,29 +31,37 @@ use Template::_thread;
use XML::DOM;
-# ====================================================
-# Funktionsexport
-# ====================================================
+# Export
use base qw(Exporter);
-@Template::Posting::EXPORT = qw(print_posting_as_HTML message_as_HTML);
+@Template::Posting::EXPORT = qw(
+ print_posting_as_HTML
+ message_as_HTML
-# sub print_posting_as_HTML
+### sub print_posting_as_HTML ($$$) ############################################
+# print HTML formatted Posting to STDOUT
+# Params: $threadpath - /path/to/thread_files
+# $tempfile - template file
+# $param - Hash-Reference (see doc for details)
+# Return: -none-
-# HTML erzeugen
sub print_posting_as_HTML ($$$) {
my ($threadpath, $tempfile, $param) = @_;
my $template = new Template $tempfile;
# Datei sperren... (eigentlich)
- my $view = get_view_params ({adminDefault => $param -> {adminDefault}
- });
+ my $view = get_view_params ({
+ adminDefault => $param -> {adminDefault}
+ });
- my $xml=new XML::DOM::Parser -> parsefile ($threadpath.'t'.$param -> {thread}.'.xml');
+ my $xml = parse_xml_file ($threadpath.'t'.$param -> {thread}.'.xml');
my ($mnode, $tnode) = get_message_node ($xml, 't'.$param -> {thread}, 'm'.$param -> {posting});
my $pnode = $mnode -> getParentNode;
@@ -60,89 +75,120 @@ sub print_posting_as_HTML ($$$) {
my $body = get_message_body ($xml, 'm'.$param -> {posting});
- my $text = message_field ($body,
- {quoteChars => plain($view -> {quoteChars}),
- quoting => 1,
- startCite => ${$template -> scrap ($assign -> {startCite})},
- endCite => ${$template -> scrap ($assign -> {endCite})}
- });
- my $area = answer_field ($body,
- {quoteArea => 1,
- quoteChars => plain($view -> {quoteChars}),
- messages => $param -> {messages}
- });
+ my $text = message_field (
+ $body,
+ { quoteChars => plain($view -> {quoteChars}),
+ quoting => 1,
+ startCite => ${$template -> scrap ($assign -> {startCite})},
+ endCite => ${$template -> scrap ($assign -> {endCite})}
+ }
+ );
+ my $area = answer_field (
+ $body,
+ { quoteArea => 1,
+ quoteChars => plain($view -> {quoteChars}),
+ messages => $param -> {messages}
+ }
+ );
my $pars = {};
- for (qw(posterBody uniqueID followUp quoteChar userID posterName posterEmail posterURL posterImage)) {
- $pars -> {$formdata -> {$_} -> {assign} -> {name}} = plain($formdata -> {$_} -> {name});}
+ $pars -> {$formdata -> {$_} -> {assign} -> {name}} = plain($formdata -> {$_} -> {name})
+ for (qw(
+ posterBody
+ uniqueID
+ followUp
+ quoteChar
+ userID
+ posterName
+ posterEmail
+ posterURL
+ posterImage
+ ));
my $cgi = $param -> {cgi};
- my $tpar = {thread => $param -> {thread},
- template => $param -> {tree},
- start => $param -> {posting},
- cgi => $cgi};
- my $plink = %$pheader?(query_string ({$cgi -> {thread} => $param -> {thread}, $cgi -> {posting} => ($pnode -> getAttribute ('id') =~ /(\d+)/)[0]})):'';
- print ${$template -> scrap ($assign->{mainDoc},
- {$assign->{name} => plain($header->{name}),
- $assign->{email} => plain($header->{email}),
- $assign->{home} => plain($header->{home}),
- $assign->{image} => plain($header->{image}),
- $assign->{time} => plain(hr_time($header->{time})),
- $assign->{message} => $text,
- $assign->{messageTitle} => plain($header->{subject}),
- $assign->{parentTitle} => plain($pheader->{subject}),
- $assign->{messageCat} => plain($header->{category}),
- $assign->{parentCat} => plain($pheader->{category}),
- $assign->{parentName} => plain($pheader->{name}),
- $assign->{parentLink} => $plink,
- $assign->{parentTime} => plain(hr_time($pheader->{time})),
- $param->{tree}->{main} => html_thread ($msg, $template, $tpar),
- $formact->{post}->{assign} => $formact->{post}->{url},
- $formact->{vote}->{assign} => $formact->{vote}->{url},
- $formdata->{posterBody}->{assign}->{value} => $area,
- $formdata->{uniqueID} ->{assign}->{value} => plain(unique_id),
- $formdata->{followUp} ->{assign}->{value} => plain($param -> {thread}.';'.$param -> {posting}),
- $formdata->{quoteChar} ->{assign}->{value} => "ÿ".plain($view -> {quoteChars}),
- $formdata->{userID} ->{assign}->{value} => '',
- }, $pars)};
+ my $tpar = {
+ thread => $param -> {thread},
+ template => $param -> {tree},
+ start => $param -> {posting},
+ cgi => $cgi
+ };
+ my $parent_pars;
+ $parent_pars = {
+ $assign->{parentTitle} => plain($pheader->{subject}),
+ $assign->{parentCat} => plain($pheader->{category}),
+ $assign->{parentName} => plain($pheader->{name}),
+ $assign->{parentTime} => plain(hr_time($pheader->{time})),
+ $assign->{parentLink} => query_string (
+ { $cgi -> {thread} => $param -> {thread},
+ $cgi -> {posting} => ($pnode -> getAttribute ('id') =~ /(\d+)/)[0]
+ })
+ } if (%$pheader);
+ print ${$template -> scrap (
+ $assign->{mainDoc},
+ { $assign->{name} => plain($header->{name}),
+ $assign->{email} => plain($header->{email}),
+ $assign->{home} => plain($header->{home}),
+ $assign->{image} => plain($header->{image}),
+ $assign->{time} => plain(hr_time($header->{time})),
+ $assign->{message} => $text,
+ $assign->{messageTitle} => plain($header->{subject}),
+ $assign->{messageCat} => plain($header->{category}),
+ $param->{tree}->{main} => html_thread ($msg, $template, $tpar),
+ $formact->{post}->{assign} => $formact->{post}->{url},
+ $formact->{vote}->{assign} => $formact->{vote}->{url},
+ $formdata->{posterBody}->{assign}->{value} => $area,
+ $formdata->{uniqueID} ->{assign}->{value} => plain(unique_id),
+ $formdata->{followUp} ->{assign}->{value} => plain($param -> {thread}.';'.$param -> {posting}),
+ $formdata->{quoteChar} ->{assign}->{value} => "ÿ".plain($view -> {quoteChars}),
+ $formdata->{userID} ->{assign}->{value} => ''
+ },
+ $pars,
+ $parent_pars
+ )};
+ return;
-# sub message_as_HTML
+### sub message_as_HTML ($$$) ##################################################
+# create HTML String for the Messagetext
+# Params: $xml - XML::DOM::Document object
+# $template - Template object
+# $param - Hash reference
+# (assign, posting, quoteChars, quoting)
+# Return: HTML String
-# HTML erzeugen
sub message_as_HTML ($$$) {
my ($xml, $template, $param) = @_;
my $assign = $param -> {assign};
my $body = get_message_body ($xml, $param -> {posting});
- my $text = message_field ($body,
- {quoteChars => '»» ',
- quoting => 1,
- startCite => ${$template -> scrap ($assign -> {startCite})},
- endCite => ${$template -> scrap ($assign -> {endCite})}
- });
+ my $text = message_field (
+ $body,
+ { quoteChars => plain ($param -> {quoteChars}),
+ quoting => $param -> {quoting},
+ startCite => ${$template -> scrap ($assign -> {startCite})},
+ endCite => ${$template -> scrap ($assign -> {endCite})}
+ }
+ );
- # Rueckgabe
+ # return
-# ====================================================
-# Modulinitialisierung
-# ====================================================
-# making require happy
+# keep require happy
-# ====================================================
-# end of Template::Posting
-# ====================================================
\ No newline at end of file
+### end of Template::Posting ###################################################