Sorry for this, I really would have liked to allow the root directory to be a
symbolic link, but if I would allow this, Dev-Editor would not be able to create
files in the root directory. I'm looking for an alternative...
# Dev-Editor's main program
# Author: Patrick Canterino <>
# Dev-Editor's main program
# Author: Patrick Canterino <>
-# Last modified: 2005-02-14
+# Last modified: 2005-02-19
# Check if the root directory exists
# Check if the root directory exists
-abort($config->{'errors'}->{'no_root_dir'}) unless(-d $config->{'fileroot'});
+abort($config->{'errors'}->{'no_root_dir'}) unless(-d $config->{'fileroot'} && not -l $config->{'fileroot'});
# Check if we are able to access the root directory
# Check if we are able to access the root directory