4. Specify the number of months to keep the backups by adjusting ``$keepMonths`` (the current month does not count, so if you set this variable to ``2``, DSMonRot keeps the current month **and** the last two months), set to ``0`` if you only want to keep the current month, set to ``-1`` if you don't want to delete any backup (not recommended)
5. After adjusting ``$keepMonths``, you should also adjust ``$keepLogs`` to at least the same amount. This variable controls the number of log files, DSMonRot keeps.
5. If your backup directory is on a SMB share, you have to edit the variables ``$smbDrive``, ``$smbPath``, ``$smbUser`` and ``$smbPassword``
4. Specify the number of months to keep the backups by adjusting ``$keepMonths`` (the current month does not count, so if you set this variable to ``2``, DSMonRot keeps the current month **and** the last two months), set to ``0`` if you only want to keep the current month, set to ``-1`` if you don't want to delete any backup (not recommended)
5. After adjusting ``$keepMonths``, you should also adjust ``$keepLogs`` to at least the same amount. This variable controls the number of log files, DSMonRot keeps.
5. If your backup directory is on a SMB share, you have to edit the variables ``$smbDrive``, ``$smbPath``, ``$smbUser`` and ``$smbPassword``