+package DumbDBM_File;
+# DumbDBM_File - Portable DBM implementation
+# Based on Python's dumbdbm / dbm.dumb
+# Author: Patrick Canterino <patrick@patshaping.de>
+use strict;
+use Carp qw(carp croak);
+use Fcntl;
+our $VERSION = '0.1';
+our $_BLOCKSIZE = 512;
+sub _update {
+ my $self = shift;
+ local *FILE;
+ $self->{'_index'} = { };
+ open(FILE,'<'.$self->{'_dirfile'}) or carp $!;
+ while(<FILE>) {
+ my $line = $_;
+ $line =~ s/\s+$//g;
+ my ($key,@pos_and_siz_pair) = eval($line);
+ $self->{'_index'}->{$key} = \@pos_and_siz_pair;
+ }
+sub _commit {
+ my $self = shift;
+ unlink($self->{'_bakfile'});
+ rename($self->{'_dirfile'},$self->{'_bakfile'});
+ open(FILE,'>'.$self->{'_dirfile'}) or carp $!;
+ while(my($key,$pos_and_siz_pair) = each(%{$self->{'_index'}})) {
+ print FILE "'$key', ($pos_and_siz_pair->[0], $pos_and_siz_pair->[1])\n";
+ }
+ close(FILE);
+sub _addval {
+ my ($self,$val) = @_;
+ local *FILE;
+ open(FILE,'+<'.$self->{'_datfile'}) or carp $!;
+ binmode(FILE);
+ seek(FILE,0,2);
+ my $pos = tell(FILE);
+ my $npos = int(($pos + $_BLOCKSIZE - 1) / $_BLOCKSIZE) * $_BLOCKSIZE;
+ print FILE "\0" x ($npos-$pos);
+ $pos = $npos;
+ print FILE $val;
+ close(FILE);
+ return ($pos,length($val));
+sub _setval {
+ my ($self,$pos,$val) = @_;
+ local *FILE;
+ open(FILE,'+<'.$self->{'_datfile'}) or carp $!;
+ binmode(FILE);
+ seek(FILE,$pos,0);
+ print FILE $val;
+ close(FILE);
+ return ($pos,length($val));
+sub _addkey {
+ my ($self,$key,@pos_and_siz_pair) = @_;
+ local *FILE;
+ $self->{'_index'}->{$key} = \@pos_and_siz_pair;
+ open(FILE,'>>'.$self->{'_dirfile'}) or carp $!;
+ print FILE "'$key', ($pos_and_siz_pair[0], $pos_and_siz_pair[1])\n";
+ close(FILE);
+sub TIEHASH {
+ my ($class,$file) = @_;
+ local *FILE;
+ my $hash = { };
+ $hash->{'_dirfile'} = $file.'.dir';
+ $hash->{'_datfile'} = $file.'.dat';
+ $hash->{'_bakfile'} = $file.'.bak';
+ $hash->{'_index'} = { };
+ sysopen(FILE,$hash->{'_datfile'},O_RDONLY | O_CREAT) or carp $!;
+ close(FILE);
+ my $self = bless($hash,$class);
+ $self->_update;
+ return $self;
+sub EXISTS {
+ my ($self,$key) = @_;
+ return exists($self->{'_index'}->{$key});
+sub FETCH {
+ my ($self,$key) = @_;
+ local *FILE;
+ my $pos = $self->{'_index'}->{$key}->[0];
+ my $siz = $self->{'_index'}->{$key}->[1];
+ open(FILE,'<'.$self->{'_datfile'}) or carp $!;
+ binmode(FILE);
+ seek(FILE,$pos,0);
+ read(FILE, my $dat, $siz);
+ close(FILE);
+ return $dat;
+sub STORE {
+ my ($self,$key,$val) = @_;
+ if(not exists($self->{'_index'}->{$key})) {
+ $self->_addkey($key,$self->_addval($val));
+ }
+ else {
+ my $pos = $self->{'_index'}->{$key}->[0];
+ my $siz = $self->{'_index'}->{$key}->[1];
+ my $oldblocks = int(($siz + $_BLOCKSIZE -1) / $_BLOCKSIZE);
+ my $newblocks = int((length($val) + $_BLOCKSIZE -1) / $_BLOCKSIZE);
+ if($newblocks <= $oldblocks) {
+ my @pos_and_siz_pair = $self->_setval($pos,$val);
+ $self->{'_index'}->{$key} = \@pos_and_siz_pair;
+ }
+ else {
+ my @pos_and_siz_pair = $self->_addval($val);
+ $self->{'_index'}->{$key} = \@pos_and_siz_pair;
+ }
+ }
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $a = keys(%{$self->{'_index'}});
+ each %{$self->{'_index'}};
+sub DELETE {
+ my ($self,$key) = @_;
+ delete($self->{'_index'}->{$key});
+ $self->_commit;
+sub NEXTKEY {
+ my $self = shift;
+ each %{$self->{'_index'}};
+sub UNTIE {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->_commit;
+ $self->{'_dirfile'} = undef;
+ $self->{'_datfile'} = undef;
+ $self->{'_bakfile'} = undef;
+# it's true, baby ;-)
+# Documentation
+=head1 NAME
+DumbDBM_File - Portable DBM implementation
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use DumbDBM_File;
+ # Opening a database file called "homer.db"
+ # Creating it if necessary
+ my %db;
+ tie(%db,'DumbDBM_File','homer.db');
+ # Assigning some values
+ $db{'name'} = 'Homer';
+ $db{'wife'} = 'Marge';
+ $db{'child'} = 'Bart';
+ $db{'neighbor'} = 'Flanders';
+ # Print value of "name": Homer
+ print $db{'name'};
+ # Overwriting a value
+ $db{'child'} = 'Lisa';
+ # Remove a value
+ # The value remains in the database file, just the index entry gets removed,
+ # meaning you can't retrieve the value from the database file any more
+ delete($db{'neighbor'});
+ # Close the database file
+ untie %db;
+This is a Perl implementation of Python's C<dumbdbm> / C<dbm.dumb> module. It
+provides a simple DBM style database written entirely in Perl, requiring no
+external library.
+Beware that this module is slow and should only be used as a last resort
+fallback when no more robust module like L<DB_File> is available.
+This Perl implementation is fully compatible to the original Python one.
+=head1 FILES
+Consider having a database called example, you have up to three files:
+=over 2
+=item example.dir
+This is an index file containing information for retrieving the values out of
+the database. It is a text file containing the key, the file offset and the
+size of each value.
+=item example.dir.bak
+This file B<may> containg a backup of the index file.
+=item example.dat
+This is the database file containing the values separated by zeros.
+This module is a direct port of the Python module containing the same bugs and
+- Seems to contain a bug when updating (this information was directly taken
+from a comment in C<dumbdbm>'s source code)
+- Free space is not reclaimed
+- No concurrent access is supported (if two processes access the database, they
+may mess up the index)
+- This module always reads the whole index file and some updates the whole
+- No read-only mode
+=head1 AUTHOR
+DumbDBM_File was written by Patrick Canterino
+If you wonder why I wrote this: I felt boring ;)
+### End ###
\ No newline at end of file