- <?php
- if ($cfg['enable_blocks'])
- {
- ?>
- <form action = "<?php echo basename(__FILE__); ?>" method = "post">
- <tr>
- <input type = "hidden" name = "action" value = "clean_block"/>
- <td class = "info">
- <?php echo t('Clean unused blocks'); ?>
- </td>
- <td></td>
- <td>
- <input type = "submit" value = "<?php echo t('Clean'); ?>" />
- </td>
- </tr>
- </form>
- <?php
- }
- ?>
<form action = "<?php echo basename(__FILE__); ?>" method = "post">
<input type = "hidden" name = "action" value = "list"/>
echo t('Number of cleaned files') . ' : ' . $total;
echo '</p></div>';
- elseif (strcmp ($_POST['action'], 'clean_block') == 0)
- {
- $total = jirafeau_admin_clean_block ();
- echo '<div class="message">' . NL;
- echo '<p>';
- echo t('Number of cleaned files') . ' : ' . $total;
- echo '</p></div>';
- }
elseif (strcmp ($_POST['action'], 'list') == 0)
jirafeau_admin_list ("", "", "");
$path . '</code><br />' . $solution_str .
'<br />' . $mkdir_str2);
- foreach (array ('files', 'links', 'async', 'block') as $subdir)
+ foreach (array ('files', 'links', 'async') as $subdir)
$subpath = $path.$subdir;
* true: Will show a download page (with preview if permited and possible).
* false: Will directly download file or preview (if permited and possible). */
$cfg['download_page'] = false;
-/* Block feature:
- The scripting interface can propose to create, read, write, delete blocks
- of data. */
-$cfg['enable_blocks'] = false;
/* Encryption feature. disable it by default.
* By enabling it, file-level deduplication won't work. */
$cfg['enable_crypt'] = false;
if (!is_writable (VAR_ASYNC))
add_error (t('The async directory is not writable!'), VAR_ASYNC);
- if (!is_writable (VAR_BLOCK))
- add_error (t('The block directory is not writable!'), VAR_BLOCK);
return $md5_link . NL . $delete_link_code . NL . urlencode($crypt_key);
- * Delete a block.
- * @param $id identifier of the block.
- */
-jirafeau_block_delete_ ($id)
- $p = VAR_BLOCK . s2p ($id);
- if (!file_exists ($p))
- return;
- if (file_exists ($p . $id))
- unlink ($p . $id);
- if (file_exists ($p . $id . '_infos'))
- unlink ($p . $id . '_infos');
- $parse = $p;
- $scan = array();
- while (file_exists ($parse)
- && ($scan = scandir ($parse))
- && count ($scan) == 2 // '.' and '..' folders => empty.
- && basename ($parse) != basename (VAR_BLOCK))
- {
- rmdir ($parse);
- $parse = substr ($parse, 0, strlen($parse) - strlen(basename ($parse)) - 1);
- }
- * Create a file filled with zeros.
- * @param $size size of the file.
- * @return a string corresponding to an id or the string "Error"
- */
-jirafeau_block_init ($size)
- if (!ctype_digit ($size) || $size <= 0)
- return "Error";
- /* Create folder. */
- $id;
- do
- {
- $id = jirafeau_gen_random (32);
- $p = VAR_BLOCK . s2p ($id);
- } while (file_exists ($p));
- @mkdir ($p, 0755, true);
- if (!file_exists ($p))
- {
- echo "Error";
- return;
- }
- /* Create block. */
- $p .= $id;
- $h = fopen ($p, 'w');
- $fill = str_repeat ("\0", 1024);
- for ($cnt = 0; $cnt < $size; $cnt += 1024)
- {
- if ($size - $cnt < 1024)
- $fill = str_repeat ("\0", $size - $cnt);
- if (fwrite ($h, $fill) === false)
- {
- fclose ($h);
- jirafeau_block_delete_ ($id);
- return "Error";
- }
- }
- fclose ($h);
- /* Generate a write/delete code. */
- $code = jirafeau_gen_random (12);
- /* Add block infos. */
- if (file_put_contents ($p . '_infos', date ('U') . NL . $size . NL . $code) === FALSE)
- {
- jirafeau_block_delete_ ($id);
- return "Error";
- }
- return $id . NL . $code;
-/** Get block size in bytes.
- * @param $id identifier of the block
- * @return block size in bytes
- */
-jirafeau_block_get_size ($id)
- $p = VAR_BLOCK . s2p ($id) . $id;
- if (!file_exists ($p))
- return "Error";
- /* Check date. */
- $f = file ($p . '_infos');
- $date = trim ($f[0]);
- $block_size = trim ($f[1]);
- $stored_code = trim ($f[2]);
- /* Update date. */
- if (date ('U') - $date > JIRAFEAU_HOUR
- && date ('U') - $date < JIRAFEAU_MONTH)
- {
- if (file_put_contents ($p . '_infos', date ('U') . NL . $block_size . NL . $stored_code) === FALSE)
- {
- jirafeau_block_delete_ ($id);
- return "Error";
- }
- }
- /* Remove data. */
- elseif (date ('U') - $date >= JIRAFEAU_MONTH)
- {
- echo date ('U'). " $date ";
- jirafeau_block_delete_ ($id);
- return "Error";
- }
- return $block_size;
- * Read some data in a block.
- * @param $id identifier of the block
- * @param $start where to read data (starting from zero).
- * @param $length length to read.
- * @return echo data
- */
-jirafeau_block_read ($id, $start, $length)
- if (!ctype_digit ($start) || $start < 0
- || !ctype_digit ($length) || $length <= 0)
- {
- echo "Error";
- return;
- }
- $p = VAR_BLOCK . s2p ($id) . $id;
- if (!file_exists ($p))
- {
- echo "Error";
- return;
- }
- /* Check date. */
- $f = file ($p . '_infos');
- $date = trim ($f[0]);
- $block_size = trim ($f[1]);
- $stored_code = trim ($f[2]);
- /* Update date. */
- if (date ('U') - $date > JIRAFEAU_HOUR
- && date ('U') - $date < JIRAFEAU_MONTH)
- {
- if (file_put_contents ($p . '_infos', date ('U') . NL . $block_size . NL . $stored_code) === FALSE)
- {
- jirafeau_block_delete_ ($id);
- echo "Error";
- return;
- }
- }
- /* Remove data. */
- elseif (date ('U') - $date >= JIRAFEAU_MONTH)
- {
- echo date ('U'). " $date ";
- jirafeau_block_delete_ ($id);
- echo "Error";
- return;
- }
- if ($start + $length > $block_size)
- {
- echo "Error";
- return;
- }
- /* Read content. */
- header ('Content-Length: ' . $length);
- header ('Content-Disposition: attachment');
- $r = fopen ($p, 'r');
- if (fseek ($r, $start) != 0)
- {
- echo "Error";
- return;
- }
- $c = 1024;
- for ($cnt = 0; $cnt < $length && !feof ($r); $cnt += 1024)
- {
- if ($length - $cnt < 1024)
- $c = $length - $cnt;
- print fread ($r, $c);
- ob_flush();
- }
- fclose ($r);
- * Write some data in a block.
- * @param $id identifier of the block
- * @param $start where to writing data (starting from zero).
- * @param $data data to write.
- * @param $code code to allow writing.
- * @return string "Ok" or string "Error".
- */
-jirafeau_block_write ($id, $start, $data, $code)
- if (!ctype_digit ($start) || $start < 0
- || strlen ($code) == 0)
- return "Error";
- $p = VAR_BLOCK . s2p ($id) . $id;
- if (!file_exists ($p))
- return "Error";
- /* Check date. */
- $f = file ($p . '_infos');
- $date = trim ($f[0]);
- $block_size = trim ($f[1]);
- $stored_code = trim ($f[2]);
- /* Update date. */
- if (date ('U') - $date > JIRAFEAU_HOUR
- && date ('U') - $date < JIRAFEAU_MONTH)
- {
- if (file_put_contents ($p . '_infos', date ('U') . NL . $block_size . NL . $stored_code) === FALSE)
- {
- jirafeau_block_delete_ ($id);
- return "Error";
- }
- }
- /* Remove data. */
- elseif (date ('U') - $date >= JIRAFEAU_MONTH)
- {
- jirafeau_block_delete_ ($id);
- return "Error";
- }
- /* Check code. */
- if ($stored_code != $code)
- {
- echo "Error";
- return;
- }
- /* Check data. */
- $size = $data['size'];
- if ($size <= 0)
- return "Error";
- if ($start + $size > $block_size)
- return "Error";
- /* Open data. */
- $r = fopen ($data['tmp_name'], 'r');
- /* Open Block. */
- $w = fopen ($p, 'r+');
- if (fseek ($w, $start) != 0)
- return "Error";
- /* Write content. */
- $c = 1024;
- for ($cnt = 0; $cnt <= $size && !feof ($w); $cnt += 1024)
- {
- if ($size - $cnt < 1024)
- $c = $size - $cnt;
- $d = fread ($r, $c);
- fwrite ($w, $d);
- }
- fclose ($r);
- fclose ($w);
- unlink ($data['tmp_name']);
- return "Ok";
- * Delete a block.
- * @param $id identifier of the block.
- * @param $code code to allow writing.
- * @return string "Ok" or string "Error".
- */
-jirafeau_block_delete ($id, $code)
- $p = VAR_BLOCK . s2p ($id) . $id;
- if (!file_exists ($p))
- return "Error";
- $f = file ($p . '_infos');
- $date = trim ($f[0]);
- $block_size = trim ($f[1]);
- $stored_code = trim ($f[2]);
- if ($code != $stored_code)
- return "Error";
- jirafeau_block_delete_ ($id);
- return "Ok";
- * Clean old unused blocks.
- * @return number of cleaned blocks.
- */
-jirafeau_admin_clean_block ()
- $count = 0;
- /* Get all blocks. */
- $stack = array (VAR_BLOCK);
- while (($d = array_shift ($stack)) && $d != NULL)
- {
- $dir = scandir ($d);
- foreach ($dir as $node)
- {
- if (strcmp ($node, '.') == 0 || strcmp ($node, '..') == 0)
- continue;
- if (is_dir ($d . $node))
- {
- /* Push new found directory. */
- $stack[] = $d . $node . '/';
- }
- elseif (is_file ($d . $node) && preg_match ('/\_infos/i', "$node"))
- {
- /* Read block informations. */
- $f = file ($d . $node);
- $date = trim ($f[0]);
- $block_size = trim ($f[1]);
- if (date ('U') - $date >= JIRAFEAU_MONTH)
- {
- jirafeau_block_delete_ (substr($node, 0, -6));
- $count++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return $count;
jirafeau_crypt_create_iv($base, $size)
'step' => 'étape',
'out of' => 'sur',
'Administration password' => 'Mot de passe d\'administration',
- 'Clean unused blocks' => 'Nettoie les bloques inutilisés',
'Finalisation' => 'Finalisation',
'Jirafeau is setting the website according to the configuration you provided.' => 'Jirafeau se configure selon les paramêtres donnés',
'Previous step' => 'Etape précedente',
'Push data during asynchronous transfert' => 'Envoyer des données pendant un transfert asynchrone',
'Returns the next code to use.' => 'Renvoie le prochain code à utiliser.',
'Finalize asynchronous transfert' => 'Finaliser un transfert asynchrone',
- 'Create a data block' => 'Creer un bloque de données',
- 'This interface permits to create a block of data filled with zeros.' => 'Cette interface permet de creer un bloque de données remplies de zeros.',
- 'You can read selected parts, write (using a code) and delete the block.' => 'Vous pouvez lire, écrire (en utilisant un code) et supprimer le bloque.',
- 'Blocks may be removed after a month of non usage.' => 'Les bloques non utilisés depuis plus d\'un mois seront probablement supprimés.',
- 'Get block size' => 'Récupérer la taille d\'un bloque',
- 'Read data in a block' => 'Lire des données dans un bloque',
- 'Write data in a block' => 'Ecrire des données dans un bloque',
- 'First line is a block id the second line the edit/delete code.' => 'La premiere ligne est l\'identifiant du bloque, la seconde est son code d\'écriture/suppression.',
- 'This will return asked data or "Error" string.' => 'Retourne les données ou la chaine "Error".',
- 'Delete a block' => 'Supprimer un bloque',
'This will return "Ok" or "Error" string.' => 'Retourn la chaine "Ok" ou "Error".',
define ('VAR_FILES', $cfg['var_root'] . 'files/');
define ('VAR_LINKS', $cfg['var_root'] . 'links/');
define ('VAR_ASYNC', $cfg['var_root'] . 'async/');
-define ('VAR_BLOCK', $cfg['var_root'] . 'block/');
/* Useful constants. */
if (!defined ('NL'))
echo '<p>' . t('This will return brut text content.') . ' ' .\r
t('First line is the download reference and the second line the delete code.') . '<br /></p>';\r
- if ($cfg['enable_blocks'])\r
- {\r
- echo '<h3>' . t('Create a data block') . ':</h3>';\r
- echo '<p>';\r
- echo t('This interface permits to create a block of data filled with zeros.') .\r
- ' ' . t('You can read selected parts, write (using a code) and delete the block.') .\r
- ' ' . t('Blocks may be removed after a month of non usage.');\r
- echo '</p>';\r
- echo '<p>';\r
- echo t('Send a GET query to') . ': <i>' . $web_root . 'script.php?init_block</i><br />';\r
- echo '<br />';\r
- echo t('Parameters') . ':<br />';\r
- echo "<b>size=</b>size_in_bytes<i> (" . t('Required') . ")</i> <br />";\r
- echo '</p>';\r
- echo '<p>' . t('This will return brut text content.') . ' ' .\r
- t('First line is a block id the second line the edit/delete code.') . '<br /></p>';\r
- echo '<h3>' . t('Get block size') . ':</h3>';\r
- echo '<p>';\r
- echo t('Send a GET query to') . ': <i>' . $web_root . 'script.php?get_block_size</i><br />';\r
- echo '<br />';\r
- echo t('Parameters') . ':<br />';\r
- echo "<b>id=</b>block_id<i> (" . t('Required') . ")</i> <br />";\r
- echo '</p>';\r
- echo '<p>' . t('This will return asked data or "Error" string.') . '<br /></p>';\r
- echo '<h3>' . t('Read data in a block') . ':</h3>';\r
- echo '<p>';\r
- echo t('Send a GET query to') . ': <i>' . $web_root . 'script.php?read_block</i><br />';\r
- echo '<br />';\r
- echo t('Parameters') . ':<br />';\r
- echo "<b>id=</b>block_id<i> (" . t('Required') . ")</i> <br />";\r
- echo "<b>start=</b>byte_position_starting_from_zero<i> (" . t('Required') . ")</i> <br />";\r
- echo "<b>length=</b>length_to_read_in_bytes<i> (" . t('Required') . ")</i> <br />";\r
- echo '</p>';\r
- echo '<p>' . t('This will return asked data or "Error" string.') . '<br /></p>';\r
- echo '<h3>' . t('Write data in a block') . ':</h3>';\r
- echo '<p>';\r
- echo t('Send a GET query to') . ': <i>' . $web_root . 'script.php?write_block</i><br />';\r
- echo '<br />';\r
- echo t('Parameters') . ':<br />';\r
- echo "<b>id=</b>block_id<i> (" . t('Required') . ")</i> <br />";\r
- echo "<b>code=</b>block_code<i> (" . t('Required') . ")</i> <br />";\r
- echo "<b>start=</b>byte_position_starting_from_zero<i> (" . t('Required') . ")</i> <br />";\r
- echo "<b>data=</b>data_to_write<i> (" . t('Required') . ")</i> <br />";\r
- echo '</p>';\r
- echo '<p>' . t('This will return "Ok" or "Error" string.') . '<br /></p>';\r
- echo '<h3>' . t('Delete a block') . ':</h3>';\r
- echo '<p>';\r
- echo t('Send a GET query to') . ': <i>' . $web_root . 'script.php?delete_block</i><br />';\r
- echo '<br />';\r
- echo t('Parameters') . ':<br />';\r
- echo "<b>id=</b>block_id<i> (" . t('Required') . ")</i> <br />";\r
- echo "<b>code=</b>block_code<i> (" . t('Required') . ")</i> <br />";\r
- echo '</p>';\r
- echo '<p>' . t('This will return "Ok" or "Error" string.') . '<br /></p>';\r
- }\r
echo '</div><br />';\r
require (JIRAFEAU_ROOT . 'lib/template/footer.php');\r
echo jirafeau_async_end ($_POST['ref'], $_POST['code'], $cfg['enable_crypt'], $cfg['link_name_lenght']);\r
-/* Initialize block. */\r
-elseif (isset ($_GET['init_block']) && $cfg['enable_blocks'])\r
- if (jirafeau_has_upload_password ($cfg) &&\r
- (!isset ($_POST['upload_password']) ||\r
- !jirafeau_challenge_upload_password ($cfg, $_POST['upload_password'])))\r
- {\r
- echo "Error";\r
- exit;\r
- }\r
- if (!isset ($_POST['size']))\r
- echo "Error";\r
- else\r
- echo jirafeau_block_init ($_POST['size']);\r
-/* Get block size. */\r
-elseif (isset ($_GET['get_block_size']) && $cfg['enable_blocks'])\r
- if (!isset ($_POST['id']))\r
- echo "Error";\r
- else\r
- echo jirafeau_block_get_size ($_POST['id']);\r
-/* Read data in block. */\r
-elseif (isset ($_GET['read_block']) && $cfg['enable_blocks'])\r
- if (!isset ($_POST['id'])\r
- || !isset ($_POST['start'])\r
- || !isset ($_POST['length']))\r
- echo "Error";\r
- else\r
- jirafeau_block_read ($_POST['id'], $_POST['start'], $_POST['length']);\r
-/* Write data in block. */\r
-elseif (isset ($_GET['write_block']) && $cfg['enable_blocks'])\r
- if (!isset ($_POST['id'])\r
- || !isset ($_POST['start'])\r
- || !isset ($_FILES['data'])\r
- || !isset ($_POST['code']))\r
- echo "Error";\r
- else\r
- echo jirafeau_block_write ($_POST['id'], $_POST['start'], $_FILES['data'], $_POST['code']);\r
-/* Delete block. */\r
-elseif (isset ($_GET['delete_block']) && $cfg['enable_blocks'])\r
- if (!isset ($_POST['id'])\r
- || !isset ($_POST['code']))\r
- echo "Error";\r
- else\r
- echo jirafeau_block_delete ($_POST['id'], $_POST['code']);\r
echo "Error";\r