]> git.p6c8.net - jirafeau.git/history - install.php
Merge branch 'next-release'
[jirafeau.git] / install.php
2024-10-19 Patrick CanterinoMerge branch 'fix_cs' into 'next-release'
2024-10-19 Patrick CanterinoFixed every error detected by php-cs-fixer (except...
2024-09-08 Patrick CanterinoMerge branch 'new-copyright-header' into 'next-release'
2024-09-08 Patrick CanterinoUpdated copyright header, new list of authors in separa...
2024-06-27 Patrick CanterinoMerged next-release into master
2022-08-24 Jerome Jutteau[TASK] Fix php-cs-fixer errors
2022-04-30 bendia[BUGFIX] use i18n string_id to avoid "FIXME" errors...
2021-05-18 Jerome Jutteau[BUGFIX] setup autocomplete field for passwords
2021-01-01 Jerome Jutteau[FEATURE] add basic docker options
2020-12-13 Jerome Jutteau[TASK] clean install.php functions
2020-12-13 Jerome Jutteau[TASK] clean dead code from install.php
2020-12-05 Jerome Jutteau[TASK] run php-cs-fixer
2020-11-19 Jerome Jutteau[BUGFIX] remove auto-generated FIX ME in config.local...
2019-12-17 Jerome Jutteau[TASK] don't assume http or https for webroot at instal...
2019-10-21 sebastien[BUGFIX] prevent PREV_STEP button to be disproportionna...
2019-10-21 sebastien[BUGFIX] prevent NEXT_STEP button to be disproportionna...
2018-02-16 Jerome Jutteau[TASK] Remove lang selection in installation step
2018-02-16 Jerome Jutteau[TASK] set a translation string id for each element
2017-09-07 Jerome Jutteau[TASK] Remove Alias support
2017-07-09 Jerome Jutteau[BUGFIX] Prevent object ProgressEvent Error
2017-04-21 Jerome Jutteau[BUGFIX] Empty admin password should not generate hash
2017-03-22 WeblateMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
2017-03-17 Dan Untenzu[FEATURE] Move fatal error method
2017-02-23 WeblateMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
2017-02-23 Dan Untenzu[FEATURE] Switch to PSR-2
2017-02-23 Dan Untenzu[FEATURE] Installer: Remove (unknown) form target URL
2017-02-23 Dan Untenzu[FEATURE] Remove redundant constants
2017-01-19 WeblateMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
2017-01-19 Dan Untenzu[FEATURE] Install script: Simplify config generation
2017-01-19 Dan Untenzu[FEATURE] Move config include into settings file
2017-01-19 Dan Untenzu[FEATURE] Install script: Reduce test code
2017-01-13 WeblateMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
2017-01-13 Dan Untenzu[TASK] CGL: Remove whitespaces
2016-08-26 WeblateMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
2016-08-26 JuLien42add sha-256 password cipher support
2015-07-16 JérômeMerge branch 'php-minor' into 'master'
2015-07-11 Spanti Nicola (RyD... Minor changes to some PHP files
2015-07-06 WeblateMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
2015-07-06 Jerome Jutteauadd an alias system to the API.
2015-04-14 Jerome Jutteaulib/lang: move translations to json based files
2015-03-23 JérômeMerge branch 'master' into 'master'
2015-03-22 Julien Maliktypo : ending slash/trailing slash
2015-03-22 Julien Maliktypo : by hand/manually
2015-03-22 Julien Maliktypo : access of/access to
2015-03-22 Julien Maliktypo : intercace/interface
2015-03-22 Julien Maliktypo : right/permission
2015-03-22 Julien Maliktypo : write permission instead of write right
2015-03-20 Jerome JutteauCloses #5 fix courgette skin for installation process
2015-02-23 Jerome JutteauCloses #4 Remove block feature
2015-02-23 Jerome JutteauCloses #6 can use several upload passwords in options
2015-02-22 Jerome Jutteauback to modern style for installation process
2015-02-22 Jerome Jutteaufix installation bug
2015-02-22 Jerome Jutteaufix bad permissions on files
2015-01-30 Jerome Jutteauadd variable in conf to check if installation is done
2015-01-30 Jerome Jutteauquick dirty patch to fix installation
2015-01-30 Jerome Jutteaufix include error in install.php
2015-01-29 ZertrinNo more needed to delete install.php, now redirect...
2013-07-29 Jerome JutteauFix config parameter and rename config.php
2013-02-20 Jerome JutteauNew data block feature
2013-02-12 Jerome JutteauBypass size limit by splitting big files on client...
2013-01-02 Jerome JutteauForgeted install.php ... shame ... ;) 1.0
2013-01-02 Jerome Jutteauget header template correction
2013-01-02 Jerome JutteauFixed little mistake in installation
2012-12-31 Jerome Jutteaurefactorised translation function
2012-12-31 Jerome JutteauNew design from original Jiraphe project
2012-12-31 Jerome JutteauAdded admin interface
2012-12-28 Jerome JutteauAdded french support to installation process
2012-12-28 Jerome JutteauFix previous commit by adding forgotten files
2012-12-22 Jerome JutteauFix php 5.3 support and prepare languages
2012-12-07 Jerome Jutteaucode reformating
2012-12-05 Jerome Jutteaudelete files instead of moving them to trash
2012-12-05 Jerome JutteauSecurity fix, bug fix and project name change.
