- Get your web browser and go to you install location (e.g. ```http://your-web-site.org/jirafeau/```) and follow instructions
- Some options are not configured from the minimal installation wizard, you may take a look at option documentation in ```lib/config.original.php``` and customize your ```lib/config.local.php```
+Note that ```lib/config.local.php``` is auto-generated during the installation.
+If you don't want to go through the installation wizard, you can just copy ```config.original.php``` to ```config.local.php``` and customize it.
# Security
```var``` directory contain all files and links. It is randomly named to limit access but you may add better protection to prevent un-authorized access to it.
```RedirectMatch 301 ^/var-.* http://my.service.jirafeau ```
You should also remove un-necessessary write access once the installation is done (ex: configuration file).
An other obvious basic security is to let access users to the site by HTTPS.
# Few notes about server side encryption
### How to contact someone from Jirafeau ?
-Feel free to create an issue if you found a bug, else you can send an email at j.jutteau A.T gmail .DOT. com
+Feel free to create an issue if you found a bug, else you can send an email at j.jutteau A.T gmail .DOT. com
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