| **[`ShowHomeButton`](#showhomebutton)** | Show the home button on the toolbar.
| **[`SSLVersionMax`](#sslversionmax)** | Set and lock the maximum version of TLS.
| **[`SSLVersionMin`](#sslversionmin)** | Set and lock the minimum version of TLS.
+| **[`StartDownloadsInTempDirectory`](#startdownloadsintempdirectory)** | Force downloads to start off in a local, temporary location rather than the default download directory.
| **[`SupportMenu`](#supportmenu)** | Add a menuitem to the help menu for specifying support information.
| **[`UserMessaging`](#usermessaging)** | Don't show certain messages to the user.
| **[`UseSystemPrintDialog`](#usesystemprintdialog)** | Print using the system print dialog instead of print preview.
+### StartDownloadsInTempDirectory
+Force downloads to start off in a local, temporary location rather than the default download directory.
+**Compatibility:** Firefox 102\
+**CCK2 Equivalent:** N/A\
+**Preferences Affected:** `browser.downloads.start_downloads_in_tmp_dir`
+#### Windows (GPO)
+Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\StartDownloadsInTempDirectory = 0x1 | 0x0
+#### Windows (Intune)
+Value (string):
+<enabled/> or <disabled/>
+#### macOS
+ <key>StartDownloadsInTempDirectory</key>
+ <true/> | <false/>
+#### policies.json
+ "policies": {
+ "StartDownloadsInTempDirectory": true | false
### UserMessaging
Prevent Firefox from messaging the user in certain situations.
+ <string>StartDownloadsInTempDirectory</string>
+ <true/>
Wenn diese Richtlinieneinstellung deaktiviert oder nicht konfiguriert ist, werden Warnungen für alle ausführbaren Dateitypen angezeigt.
Ausführliche Informationen zur Erstellung der Richtlinie finden Sie unter https://github.com/mozilla/policy-templates/blob/master/README.md#exemptdomainfiletypepairsfromfiletypedownloadwarnings.</string>
+ <string id="StartDownloadsInTempDirectory">Start Downloads in Temporary Directory</string>
+ <string id="StartDownloadsInTempDirectory_Explain">If this policy is enabled, Firefox will start downloads in a temporary directory and automatically deleted when you close the browser.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, Firefox will to the download folder and will not be automatically deleted when you close the browser.</string>
<string id="Preferences_Boolean_Explain">Wenn diese Richtlinieneinstellung aktiviert ist, ist die Einstellung auf true gesperrt. Wenn diese Richtlinieneinstellung deaktiviert ist, ist die Einstellung auf false gesperrt.
Für eine Beschreibung der Einstellung, siehe:
If this policy is disabled or not configured, warnings are shown for all executable file types.
For detailed information on creating the policy, see https://github.com/mozilla/policy-templates/blob/master/README.md#exemptdomainfiletypepairsfromfiletypedownloadwarnings.</string>
+ <string id="StartDownloadsInTempDirectory">Start Downloads in Temporary Directory</string>
+ <string id="StartDownloadsInTempDirectory_Explain">If this policy is enabled, Firefox will start downloads in a temporary directory and automatically deleted when you close the browser.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, Firefox will to the download folder and will not be automatically deleted when you close the browser.</string>
<string id="Preferences_Boolean_Explain">If this policy is enabled, the preference is locked to true. If this policy is disabled, the preference is locked to false.
For a description of the preference, see:
If this policy is disabled or not configured, warnings are shown for all executable file types.
For detailed information on creating the policy, see https://github.com/mozilla/policy-templates/blob/master/README.md#exemptdomainfiletypepairsfromfiletypedownloadwarnings.</string>
+ <string id="StartDownloadsInTempDirectory">Start Downloads in Temporary Directory</string>
+ <string id="StartDownloadsInTempDirectory_Explain">If this policy is enabled, Firefox will start downloads in a temporary directory and automatically deleted when you close the browser.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, Firefox will to the download folder and will not be automatically deleted when you close the browser.</string>
<string id="Preferences_Boolean_Explain">Si esta política está habilitada, la preferencia se bloquea en true. Si esta política está deshabilitada, la preferencia está bloqueada en false.
Para una descripción de la preferencia, visita:
<multiText id="JSON" valueName="ExemptDomainFileTypePairsFromFileTypeDownloadWarnings" maxLength="16384"/>
+ <policy name="StartDownloadsInTempDirectory" class="Both" displayName="$(string.StartDownloadsInTempDirectory)" explainText="$(string.StartDownloadsInTempDirectory_Explain)" key="Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox" valueName="StartDownloadsInTempDirectory">
+ <parentCategory ref="firefox"/>
+ <supportedOn ref="SUPPORTED_FF102"/>
+ <enabledValue>
+ <decimal value="1"/>
+ </enabledValue>
+ <disabledValue>
+ <decimal value="0"/>
+ </disabledValue>
+ </policy>
<string id="ExemptDomainFileTypePairsFromFileTypeDownloadWarnings_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you can define a list of domains and file type extensions that will be exempt from executable warnings.\r
If this policy is disabled or not configured, warnings are shown for all executable file types.\r
+ \r
For detailed information on creating the policy, see https://github.com/mozilla/policy-templates/blob/master/README.md#exemptdomainfiletypepairsfromfiletypedownloadwarnings.</string>\r
+ <string id="StartDownloadsInTempDirectory">Start Downloads in Temporary Directory</string>\r
+ <string id="StartDownloadsInTempDirectory_Explain">If this policy is enabled, Firefox will start downloads in a temporary directory and automatically deleted when you close the browser.\r
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, Firefox will to the download folder and will not be automatically deleted when you close the browser.</string>\r
<string id="Preferences_Boolean_Explain">Si cette stratégie est activée, la préférence est verrouillée sur true. Si cette stratégie est désactivée, la préférence est verrouillée sur false.\r
Pour une description de la préférence, voir:\r
If this policy is disabled or not configured, warnings are shown for all executable file types.
For detailed information on creating the policy, see https://github.com/mozilla/policy-templates/blob/master/README.md#exemptdomainfiletypepairsfromfiletypedownloadwarnings.</string>
+ <string id="StartDownloadsInTempDirectory">Start Downloads in Temporary Directory</string>
+ <string id="StartDownloadsInTempDirectory_Explain">If this policy is enabled, Firefox will start downloads in a temporary directory and automatically deleted when you close the browser.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, Firefox will to the download folder and will not be automatically deleted when you close the browser.</string>
<string id="Preferences_Boolean_Explain">Se questo criterio è abilitato, la preferenza è impostata a Vero e resa non modificabile. Se questo criterio è disabilitato, la preferenza è impostata a Falso e resa non modificabile.
Per una descrizione della preferenza, si veda:
If this policy is disabled or not configured, warnings are shown for all executable file types.
For detailed information on creating the policy, see https://github.com/mozilla/policy-templates/blob/master/README.md#exemptdomainfiletypepairsfromfiletypedownloadwarnings.</string>
+ <string id="StartDownloadsInTempDirectory">Start Downloads in Temporary Directory</string>
+ <string id="StartDownloadsInTempDirectory_Explain">If this policy is enabled, Firefox will start downloads in a temporary directory and automatically deleted when you close the browser.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, Firefox will to the download folder and will not be automatically deleted when you close the browser.</string>
<string id="Preferences_Boolean_Explain"> Если эта политика включена, предпочтение заблокировано на true. Если эта политика отключена, предпочтение заблокировано на false.
Описание предпочтения см .:
If this policy is disabled or not configured, warnings are shown for all executable file types.
For detailed information on creating the policy, see https://github.com/mozilla/policy-templates/blob/master/README.md#exemptdomainfiletypepairsfromfiletypedownloadwarnings.</string>
+ <string id="StartDownloadsInTempDirectory">Start Downloads in Temporary Directory</string>
+ <string id="StartDownloadsInTempDirectory_Explain">If this policy is enabled, Firefox will start downloads in a temporary directory and automatically deleted when you close the browser.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, Firefox will to the download folder and will not be automatically deleted when you close the browser.</string>
<string id="Preferences_Boolean_Explain">若启用此原则,偏好设定将锁定为 true。 若禁用此原则,偏好设定则锁定为false。
If this policy is disabled or not configured, warnings are shown for all executable file types.
For detailed information on creating the policy, see https://github.com/mozilla/policy-templates/blob/master/README.md#exemptdomainfiletypepairsfromfiletypedownloadwarnings.</string>
+ <string id="StartDownloadsInTempDirectory">Start Downloads in Temporary Directory</string>
+ <string id="StartDownloadsInTempDirectory_Explain">If this policy is enabled, Firefox will start downloads in a temporary directory and automatically deleted when you close the browser.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, Firefox will to the download folder and will not be automatically deleted when you close the browser.</string>
<string id="Preferences_Boolean_Explain">若啟用此原則,偏好設定將鎖定為 true。若停用此原則,偏好設定則鎖定為 false。