<string id="Search_group">Suche</string>
<string id="Allow">Erlaubte Seiten</string>
<string id="Block">Gesperrte Seiten</string>
- <string id="AppUpdateURL">URL für Firefox Updates</string>
+ <string id="AppUpdateURL">Benutzerdefinierte Update-URL</string>
<string id="AppUpdateURL_Explain">Wenn diese Policy aktiviert ist, dann können Sie eine URL zu einem Update-Server setzen, die eine andere ist, als die standardmäßige. Dies kann hilfreich sein, in dem Fall, wenn Sie einen eigenen Update-Server in Ihrem Netzwerk betreiben.
Wenn diese Policy deaktiviert oder nicht konfiguriert ist, dann wird die Standard-URL verwendet.</string>
Wenn Sie die Richtlinieneinstellung deaktivieren oder nicht konfigurieren, können Suchmaschinen hinzugefügt werden.</string>
+ <presentation id="AppUpdateURL">
+ <textBox refId="AppUpdateURL">
+ <label>URL:</label>
+ </textBox>
+ </presentation>
<presentation id="Authentication">
<listBox refId="Authentication"/>
<string id="Search_group">Search</string>
<string id="Allow">Allowed Sites</string>
<string id="Block">Blocked Sites</string>
- <string id="Authentication_SPNEGO">SPNEGO</string>
- <string id="AppUpdateURL">URL for Firefox Updates</string>
+ <string id="AppUpdateURL">Custom Update URL</string>
<string id="AppUpdateURL_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you can set a URL to an update server other than the default. This could be helpful if you run your own update server on your network.
If this policy is disabled or not configured, the default update URL is used.</string>
+ <string id="Authentication_SPNEGO">SPNEGO</string>
<string id="Authentication_SPNEGO_Explain">If this policy is enabled, the specified websites are permitted to engage in SPNEGO authentication with the browser. Entries in the list are formatted as mydomain.com or https://myotherdomain.com.
If this policy is disabled or not configured, no websites are permitted to engage in SPNEGO authentication with the browser.
If this policy is disabled or not configured, search engines can be installed from web pages.</string>
+ <presentation id="AppUpdateURL">
+ <textBox refId="AppUpdateURL">
+ <label>URL:</label>
+ </textBox>
+ </presentation>
<presentation id="Authentication">
<listBox refId="Authentication"/>
- <policies>
- <policy name="AppUpdateURL" class="Both" displayName="$(string.AppUpdateURL)" explainText="$(string.AppUpdateURL_Explain)" key="Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox" presentation="$(presentation.AppUpdateURL)" >
- <parentCategory ref="Firefox" />
- <supportedOn ref="SUPPORTED_FF62" />
- <elements >
- <text id="AppUpdateURL" valueName="URL" required="true" />
- </elements>
- </policy>
<policy name="Authentication_SPNEGO" class="Both" displayName="$(string.Authentication_SPNEGO)" key="Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\Authentication\SPNEGO" explainText="$(string.Authentication_SPNEGO_Explain)" presentation="$(presentation.Authentication)">
<parentCategory ref="Authentication"/>
<supportedOn ref="SUPPORTED_FF60ESR"/>
<decimal value="0"/>
+ <policy name="AppUpdateURL" class="Both" displayName="$(string.AppUpdateURL)" explainText="$(string.AppUpdateURL_Explain)" key="Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox" presentation="$(presentation.AppUpdateURL)" >
+ <parentCategory ref="firefox" />
+ <supportedOn ref="SUPPORTED_FF62" />
+ <elements >
+ <text id="AppUpdateURL" valueName="URL" required="true" />
+ </elements>
+ </policy>
<string id="Search_group">Ricerca</string>
<string id="Allow">Siti consentiti</string>
<string id="Block">Siti bloccati</string>
+ <string id="AppUpdateURL">Custom Update URL</string>
+ <string id="AppUpdateURL_Explain">If this policy is enabled, you can set a URL to an update server other than the default. This could be helpful if you run your own update server on your network.
+If this policy is disabled or not configured, the default update URL is used.</string>
<string id="Authentication_SPNEGO">SPNEGO</string>
<string id="Authentication_SPNEGO_Explain">Se questo criterio è abilitato, i siti Web specificati possono utilizzare l'autenticazione SPNEGO nel browser. Le voci dell'elenco devono essere nel formato mydomain.com o https://myotherdomain.com.
Se questo criterio è disabilitato o non configurato, i motori di ricerca potranno essere installati dalle pagine Web.</string>
+ <presentation id="AppUpdateURL">
+ <textBox refId="AppUpdateURL">
+ <label>URL:</label>
+ </textBox>
+ </presentation>
<presentation id="Authentication">
<listBox refId="Authentication"/>