-PSMySQLBackup is a script for backing up MySQL / MariaDB databases on Windows using [`mysqldump`](https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mysqldump/).
+PSMySQLBackup is a script for backing up MySQL / MariaDB databases on Windows using [`mysqldump`](https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mysqldump/). The "PS" in PSMySQLBackup either stands for _**P**ower**S**hell …_ or _**P**atrick's **s**imple …_.
-PSMySQLBackup stands for **P**ower**S**hell **MySQL** **backup** or **P**atrick's **s**imple **MySQL** **backup**.
+PSMySQLBackup allows you to backup all databases or only a list of databases and to keep an arbitrary or infinite number of backups.
+PSMySQLBackup was inspired by [AutoMySQLBackup](https://sourceforge.net/projects/automysqlbackup/) and its [continuations](https://github.com/sixhop/AutoMySQLBackup), but has only a minimum amount of features.
## Requirements
## Requirements
@@ -10,7+12,12 @@ PSMySQLBackup stands for **P**ower**S**hell **MySQL** **backup** or **P**atrick'
## Basic installation
## Basic installation
-1. …
+1. Copy *psmysqlbackup.ps1* to arbitrary directory (for example *C:\PSMySQLBackup*).
+2. Create a directory for your backups (for example *C:\Backup*).
+3. Edit *psmysqlbackup.ps1* and modify the following variables:
+ 1. Set ``$configBackupDir`` to the path you created in step 2.
+ 2. …
+4. Configure Windows task planner to run the script.