sub read_script_conf ($$$) {
- my ($Bin, $Shared, $Script) = @_;
+ my ($Config, $Shared, $Script) = @_;
$Script =~ s/^(.*)\..*$/$1/; # Vornamen extrahieren
my $common = "$Shared/common.xml"; # gemeinsame Konf-datei
- my $group = "$Bin/config/common.xml"; # gemeinsame (Gruppen-)Konf-datei
- my $special = "$Bin/config/$Script.xml"; # spezielle Konf-datei
+ my $group = "$Config/common.xml"; # gemeinsame (Gruppen-)Konf-datei
+ my $special = "$Config/$Script.xml"; # spezielle Konf-datei
my %conf=(); # conf-Hash
&parse_script_conf ($common , \%conf, $Script); # und los...
<Property name="show">
<Property name="Posting">
- <Variable name="templateFile">e:/localhosts/i_selfhtml/cgi-local/user/config/answer.tmp.xml</Variable>
+ <Variable name="templateFile">e:/localhosts/i_selfhtml/cgi-local/user/config/answer.tmpl.xml</Variable>
+<!-- * -->
<Property name="assign">
<Variable name="docNew">DOC_OPENING</Variable>
<Variable name="docThx">DOC_THANKYOU</Variable>
<Property name="action">
<Property name="post">
<Variable name="url">/cgi-local/user/fo_posting.pl</Variable>
+<!-- * -->
<Variable name="assign">_FORM_ACTION</Variable>
<Variable name="errorType">fetch</Variable>
<Variable name="header">category</Variable>
<List name="values">
- <ListItem>ASP</ListItem>
- <ListItem>BROWSER</ListItem>
- <ListItem>CGI</ListItem>
- <ListItem>CSS</ListItem>
- <ListItem>DATENBANK</ListItem>
- <ListItem>DESIGN</ListItem>
- <ListItem>DHTML</ListItem>
- <ListItem>E-MAIL</ListItem>
- <ListItem>FTP</ListItem>
- <ListItem>GRAFIK</ListItem>
- <ListItem>HTML</ListItem>
- <ListItem>HTTP</ListItem>
- <ListItem>JAVA</ListItem>
- <ListItem>JAVASCRIPT</ListItem>
- <ListItem>MEINUNG</ListItem>
- <ListItem>MENSCHELEI</ListItem>
- <ListItem>PERL</ListItem>
- <ListItem>PHP</ListItem>
- <ListItem>PROVIDER</ListItem>
- <ListItem>RECHT</ListItem>
+ <ListItem>DEV-ALLGEMEIN</ListItem>
+ <ListItem>DEV-INTERN</ListItem>
+ <ListItem>FEATURE-ARTIKEL</ListItem>
+ <ListItem>FINDER</ListItem>
+ <ListItem>FORUM</ListItem>
+ <ListItem>LINKVERZEICHNIS</ListItem>
+ <ListItem>SELFBROWSER</ListItem>
+ <ListItem>SELFHTML</ListItem>
- <ListItem>SOFTWARE</ListItem>
- <ListItem>VBSCRIPT</ListItem>
- <ListItem>XML</ListItem>
- <ListItem>XML-DERIVAT</ListItem>
- <ListItem>XSL</ListItem>
+ <ListItem>SUCHE</ListItem>
<ListItem>ZUR INFO</ListItem>
- <ListItem>ZU DIESEM FORUM</ListItem>
-<!-- Ende -->
\ No newline at end of file
+<!-- The End -->
\ No newline at end of file
<Property name="Forum">
- <Variable name="templateFile">e:/localhosts/i_selfhtml/cgi-local/user/config/forum.tmp.xml</Variable>
+ <Variable name="templateFile">e:/localhosts/i_selfhtml/cgi-local/user/config/forum.tmpl.xml</Variable>
+<!-- * -->
<Property name="assign">
<Variable name="mainDocStart">DOC_FORUM_START</Variable>
<Variable name="mainDocEnd">DOC_FORUM_END</Variable>
<Variable name="loadingTime">_LOAD_TIME</Variable>
<Variable name="cssFile">_CSS_FILE</Variable>
<Variable name="errorDoc">DOC_ERROR</Variable>
- <Variable name="startCite">CITE_START</Variable>
- <Variable name="endCite">CITE_END</Variable>
<Variable name="notAvailable">_N_A</Variable>
<Variable name="occupied">_OCCUPIED</Variable>
<Property name="Posting">
- <Variable name="templateFile">e:/localhosts/i_selfhtml/cgi-local/user/config/posting.tmp.xml</Variable>
+ <Variable name="templateFile">e:/localhosts/i_selfhtml/cgi-local/user/config/posting.tmpl.xml</Variable>
+<!-- * -->
<Property name="assign">
<Variable name="mainDoc">DOC_POSTING</Variable>
<Variable name="errorDoc">DOC_ERROR</Variable>
<Property name="action">
<Property name="post">
<Variable name="url">/cgi-local/user/fo_posting.pl</Variable>
+<!-- * -->
<Variable name="assign">_FORM_ACTION</Variable>
<Property name="vote">
<Variable name="url">/cgi-local/user/fo_voting.pl</Variable>
+<!-- * -->
<Variable name="assign">_VOTE_ACTION</Variable>
-<!-- Ende -->
\ No newline at end of file
+<!-- The End -->
\ No newline at end of file
use strict;
-use vars qw($Bin $Shared $Script);
+use vars qw($Bin $Shared $Script $Config);
# locate the script
my $null = $0; $null =~ s/\\/\//g; # for win :-(
- ($Bin) = ($null =~ /^(.*)\/.*$/)? $1 : '.';
- $Shared = "$Bin/../shared";
- ($Script) = ($null =~ /^.*\/(.*)$/)? $1 : $null;
+ $Bin = ($null =~ /^(.*)\/.*$/)? $1 : '.';
+ $Shared = "$Bin/../shared";
+ $Config = "$Bin/config";
+ $Script = ($null =~ /^.*\/(.*)$/)? $1 : $null;
use lib "$Shared";
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
# load script configuration and admin default conf.
-my $conf = read_script_conf ($Bin, $Shared, $Script);
+my $conf = read_script_conf ($Config, $Shared, $Script);
my $adminDefault = read_admin_conf ($conf -> {files} -> {adminDefault});
# Initialize the request
use strict;
-use vars qw($Bin $Shared $Script);
+use vars qw($Bin $Shared $Script $Config);
my $null = $0; $null =~ s/\\/\//g; # for win :-(
- ($Bin) = ($null =~ /^(.*)\/.*$/)? $1 : '.';
- $Shared = "$Bin/../shared";
- ($Script) = ($null =~ /^.*\/(.*)$/)? $1 : $null;
+ $Bin = ($null =~ /^(.*)\/.*$/)? $1 : '.';
+ $Shared = "$Bin/../shared";
+ $Config = "$Bin/config";
+ $Script = ($null =~ /^.*\/(.*)$/)? $1 : $null;
use lib "$Shared";
print header(-type => 'text/html');
-my $conf = read_script_conf ($Bin, $Shared, $Script);
+my $conf = read_script_conf ($Config, $Shared, $Script);
my $show = $conf -> {show};
my $show_forum = $show -> {Forum};