--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# #
+# File: user/admin/fo_delete.pl #
+# #
+# Authors: Christian Kruse <ckruse@wwwtech.de> #
+# #
+# Description: display the forum main file to delete msgs #
+# #
+use strict;
+use vars qw(
+ $Bin
+ $Shared
+ $Script
+ $Config
+ my $null = $0; $null =~ s/\\/\//g if uc $^O eq 'WIN32'; # for win :-(
+ $Bin = ($null =~ /^(.*)\/.*$/)? $1 : '.';
+ $Shared = "$Bin/../shared";
+ $Config = "$Bin/../../cgi-config";
+ $Script = ($null =~ /^.*\/(.*)$/)? $1 : $null;
+# setting umask, remove or comment it, if you don't need
+umask 006;
+use lib "$Shared";
+use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
+use Conf;
+use Conf::Admin;
+use Template::Delete;
+use Template::Posting;
+use Posting::Admin;
+use Encode::Plain; $Encode::Plain::utf8 = 1;
+use Posting::_lib qw(
+ parse_xml_file
+ get_message_node
+ get_message_header
+ long_hr_time
+use CGI qw(
+ param
+ header
+# Version check
+# last modified:
+# $Date$ (GMT)
+# by $Author$
+sub VERSION {(q$Revision$ =~ /([\d.]+)\s*$/)[0] or '0.0'}
+print header(
+ -type => 'text/html',
+ -expires => 'now'
+my $conf = read_script_conf($Config, $Shared, $Script);
+my $show = $conf->{show};
+my $show_forum = $show->{Forum};
+my $forum_file = $conf->{files}->{forum};
+# check on closed forum
+my $main = new Lock($forum_file);
+if ($main->masterlocked) {
+ my $template = new Template $show_forum->{templateFile};
+ $template->printscrap (
+ $show_forum->{assign}->{errorDoc},
+ { $show_forum->{assign}->{errorText} => $template->insert($show_forum->{assign}->{'notAvailable'}) }
+ );
+else {
+ my $cgi = $show->{assign}->{cgi};
+ my $tree = $show->{assign}->{thread};
+ my $adminDefault = read_admin_conf($conf->{files}->{adminDefault});
+ my ($tid, $mid, $cmd) = (param($cgi->{thread}), param($cgi->{posting}), param('c'));
+ if(defined $cmd and defined $mid and defined $tid) {
+ if($cmd eq 'd') {
+ unless(hide_posting($forum_file,$conf->{files}->{messagePath},{'thread' => $tid, 'posting' => $mid})) {
+ my $template = new Template $show_forum->{templateFile};
+ $template->printscrap(
+ $show_forum->{assign}->{errorDoc},
+ { $show_forum->{assign}->{errorText} => $template->insert($show_forum->{assign}->{deleteFailed}) }
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ my $template = new Template $show_forum->{templateFile};
+ my $xmlfile = parse_xml_file($conf->{files}->{messagePath}.'/t'.$tid.'.xml');
+ my $mnode = get_message_node($xmlfile,'t'.$tid,'m'.$mid);
+ my $infos = get_message_header($mnode);
+ my $ip = $mnode->getAttribute('ip');
+ $template->printscrap(
+ $show_forum->{assign}->{deletedDoc},{
+ $show_forum->{assign}->{tid} => $tid,
+ $show_forum->{assign}->{mid} => $mid,
+ $show->{assign}->{thread}->{cat} => plain($infos->{category}),
+ $show->{assign}->{thread}->{subject} => plain($infos->{subject}),
+ $show->{assign}->{thread}->{time} => plain(long_hr_time($infos->{time})),
+ $show->{assign}->{thread}->{name} => plain($infos->{name}),
+ $show->{Posting}->{assign}->{email} => plain($infos->{email}),
+ $show_forum->{assign}->{ip} => plain($ip)
+ }
+ );
+ exit 0;
+ }
+ } elsif($cmd eq 'w') {
+ unless(recover_posting($forum_file,$conf->{files}->{messagePath},{'thread' => $tid, 'posting' => $mid})) {
+ my $template = new Template $show_forum->{templateFile};
+ $template->printscrap(
+ $show_forum->{assign}->{errorDoc},
+ { $show_forum->{assign}->{errorText} => $template->insert($show_forum->{assign}->{recoverFailed}) }
+ );
+ } else {
+ print_forum_as_HTML (
+ $forum_file,
+ $show_forum->{templateFile}, {
+ showDeleted => 1,
+ assign => $show_forum->{assign},
+ adminDefault => $adminDefault,
+ cgi => $cgi,
+ tree => $tree
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (defined ($tid) and defined ($mid)) {
+ my $show_posting = $show->{Posting};
+ print_posting_as_HTML (
+ $conf->{files}->{messagePath},
+ $show_posting->{templateFile}, {
+ assign => $show_posting->{assign},
+ thread => $tid,
+ posting => $mid,
+ adminDefault => $adminDefault,
+ messages => $conf->{template}->{messages},
+ form => $show_posting->{form},
+ cgi => $cgi,
+ tree => $tree,
+ firsttime => 1,
+ cachepath => $conf->{files}->{cachePath},
+ showDeleted => 1
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ print_forum_as_HTML (
+ $forum_file,
+ $show_forum->{templateFile}, {
+ showDeleted => 1,
+ assign => $show_forum->{assign},
+ adminDefault => $adminDefault,
+ cgi => $cgi,
+ tree => $tree
+ }
+ );
+ }
+### end of fo_view.pl ##########################################################