]> git.p6c8.net - jirafeau.git/shortlog
6 days ago Patrick CanterinoBegin a new release cycle next-release
6 days ago Patrick CanterinoMerge branch 'next-release' master 4.6.2
6 days ago Patrick CanterinoJirafeau 4.6.2 is ready
10 days ago Patrick CanterinoUpdated CHANGELOG
2025-02-19 BlackeyeMerge branch 'hotfix_issue_21' into 'master'
2025-02-19 Blackstareyefix for issue #21 and a docker_compose.yaml for testing
2025-02-18 BlackeyeMerge branch 'hotfix_cherrypick_issue_23' into 'master'
2025-02-18 Blackstareyefixed script upload - missing return statement
2025-02-18 BlackeyeMerge branch 'fix_for_issue_23' into 'next-release'
2025-02-17 Blackstareyefixed script upload - missing return statement
2025-02-17 BlackeyeMerge branch 'fix_for_issue_20' into 'next-release'
2025-02-17 Blackstareyefixed typo
2025-02-17 Blackstareyeadded run container section
2025-02-17 Blackstareyechanged method name and added doc for docker compose
2025-01-24 Blackstareyefixed format
2025-01-24 Blackstareyefix for #20, added also lang to env variables; added...
2025-01-24 Blackstareyeexample docker compose with availabilities (defaulted...
2025-01-21 BlackeyeMerge branch 'fix_for_issue_21' into 'next-release'
2025-01-18 Blackstareyefix for issue #21 and a docker_compose.yaml for testing
2024-12-01 Patrick CanterinoBegin a new release cycle
2024-12-01 Patrick CanterinoUpdated CHANGELOG 4.6.1
2024-12-01 Patrick CanterinoJirafeau 4.6.1 is ready
2024-12-01 Patrick CanterinoUpdated CHANGELOG
2024-12-01 Patrick CanterinoMade check for MIME type "image/svg+xml" case insensitive
2024-11-25 Patrick CanterinoFixed footer ("designed by")
2024-11-22 Patrick CanterinoRemoved references to weblate
2024-11-22 Patrick CanterinoUpdated CHANGELOG
2024-11-22 Patrick CanterinoUpdated Docker README
2024-11-16 Patrick CanterinoMerge branch 'bug_content_length' into 'next-release'
2024-11-10 Patrick CanterinoUpdated Docker README
2024-11-10 Patrick CanterinoStore filesize before encrypting the file
2024-10-25 Patrick CanterinoAdded "one_time_download_preselected" to Docker options
2024-10-24 Patrick CanterinoMerge branch 'docker_arm' into 'next-release'
2024-10-22 Patrick CanterinoAdded some comments explaining the build job for the...
2024-10-19 Patrick CanterinoBuild Docker images for linux/arm/v7, linux/arm64/v8...
2024-10-19 Patrick CanterinoMerge branch 'fix_cs' into 'next-release'
2024-10-19 Patrick CanterinoAdded pipeline for PHP 8.2
2024-10-19 Patrick CanterinoSkip single_space_around_construct check in CI
2024-10-19 Patrick CanterinoFixed every error detected by php-cs-fixer (except...
2024-10-16 Patrick CanterinoUpdated Docker README
2024-10-14 Patrick CanterinoSwitched to php-cs-fixer 3.64.0 and PSR12 in CI
2024-10-14 Patrick CanterinoUpdated README and CHANGELOG
2024-10-12 Patrick CanterinoMerge branch 'bug_admin_download_encrypted' into 'next...
2024-10-12 Patrick CanterinoRemoved the download button and the corresponding link...
2024-09-08 Patrick CanterinoMerge branch 'new-copyright-header' into 'next-release'
2024-09-08 Patrick CanterinoUpdated copyright header, new list of authors in separa...
2024-09-03 Patrick CanterinoUpdated CHANGELOG
2024-09-03 Patrick CanterinoAdded screenshots directory to .dockerignore
2024-09-02 Patrick CanterinoMerge branch 'new-screenshots' into 'next-release'
2024-09-02 Patrick CanterinoUpdate screenshots in README and store them in the...
2024-08-26 BlackeyeMerge branch 'f_modularization_wip_rebased' into 'next...
2024-08-26 BlackeyeCode Modularization
2024-08-18 Patrick CanterinoMerge branch 'master' into next-release
2024-08-18 Patrick CanterinoCopied information about Docker from README files from...
2024-08-18 Patrick CanterinoFixed Docker README
2024-08-18 Patrick CanterinoMerge branch 'rebase_integrate_docker_build_and_publish...
2024-08-11 Erik Hubers#2: Build and publish Docker images using GitLab CI.
2024-08-11 Patrick CanterinoNew config option to preselect the checkbox for deletin...
2024-08-10 Patrick CanterinoChanged JIRAFEAU_VERSION so that we can identify that...
2024-07-15 Patrick CanterinoDefine new constant JIRAFEAU_WEBSITE with the project...
2024-07-13 Patrick CanterinoREADME: Deny access to var on Apache using "Require...
2024-07-13 Patrick CanterinoAdded some words about a custom dark theme
2024-07-06 Patrick CanterinoJirafeau version 4.6.0 4.6.0
2024-07-06 Patrick CanterinoFixed headings in Docker README
2024-07-06 Patrick CanterinoFixed headings in README
2024-07-06 Patrick CanterinoFixed headings in CHANGELOG
2024-07-06 Patrick CanterinoAdded link to Sodium extension in README
2024-07-06 Patrick CanterinoNote the authentication type (by password or by IP...
2024-07-06 Patrick CanterinoTranslated INSTALL_FILE_NOT_FOUND_TITLE and INSTALL_FIL...
2024-07-05 Patrick CanterinoSmall changes to README and CONTRIBUTING
2024-07-01 fm-sysSmall readme adoptions
2024-07-01 Patrick CanterinoChanged URLs to point to new group repository
2024-06-30 Patrick CanterinoFixed some things in README (typos, URLS, formatting)
2024-06-28 Patrick CanterinoChanged links to point to my fork
2024-06-27 Patrick CanterinoUpdated CHANGELOG to reflect the changes since 4.5.0
2024-06-27 Patrick CanterinoFixed some things in README, especially the inline...
2024-06-27 Patrick CanterinoMerge branch 'multi-http-admins' into next-release
2024-06-27 Patrick CanterinoUpdated README
2024-06-27 Patrick CanterinoMerged next-release into master
2024-06-21 Jérôme JutteauAdd @Blackstareye's fork
2024-06-12 Jerome JutteauUpdate some badges in README
2024-06-12 Jerome JutteauEnd of maintenance
2024-04-06 Patrick CanterinoAllow multiple usernames when using HTTP authentication...
2024-04-05 Patrick CanterinoFixed some mistakes in german translation
2024-04-03 Patrick CanterinoFixed a typo
2024-04-03 Patrick CanterinoCentralize legacy mcrypt decryption in `jirafeau_decryp...
2024-04-03 Patrick CanterinoFixed function comments
2024-04-03 Patrick CanterinoDefine constants only if Sodium is available
2024-04-01 Patrick CanterinoCentralize decryption in `jirafeau_decrypt_file()`
2024-04-01 Patrick CanterinoMention that source and destination file must not be...
2024-03-30 Patrick CanterinoDefine some Sodium constants from newer PHP versions...
2024-03-30 Patrick CanterinoCheck return value of `rename()` after encryption
2024-03-29 Patrick CanterinoShow a warning in admin interface if Sodium is not...
2024-03-29 Patrick CanterinoMention changed encryption algorithm and module in...
2024-03-28 Patrick CanterinoRe-emplementing encryption using Sodium
2023-11-08 Fabien Clémentmod_usertrack was deprecated and seems to be retired...
2023-06-17 Patrick CanterinoProvide URL scheme in installer
2023-06-17 SandybuntingFixed and improved Docker image options.
2023-06-14 Jack FootnerRequire Root to make access denied prettier
2023-06-14 Jack FootnerAdd new `admin_ip` configuration option
